Beautiful America you are my second mother and mother, grandmother, and grand grandmother of this world. Year 2017 children around the world worrying what will happen to you and to them. Tomorrow and in future days.
Beautiful America you are my second mother and mother, grandmother, and grand grandmother of this world. Year 2017 children around the world worrying what will happen to you and to them. Tomorrow and in future days.
World I promise you winner will not exist
America 2016 election day. American we cannot forget, America is mother of the world. Immigrant, enemy and friends, love and hate. Thank you God, America was not perfect because perfect cannot be help and change. If America was perfect, today America and world will not be able exist. Thank God and mother America, love so far did not happen, what could happen, but if happen. America and rest of the world, I promise you winner will not exist.
World science, do you know what is worst? Life poison or people who create life poison?
World in our 21st century present time, can we tell for who we fight? Devil or God? Creating poison and destroying God creation.
World forgive me, I repeat and telling you nothing more or less then everyday.
You have to be perfect stupid. Walking away from nature, God creation, and live with hope for better days. Before worse day to come.
Genetically modified world, will not be help and cure, just decompose.
In 21st century, country doesn’t exist underneath the sky. Who will not share what was and will be create by human being.
World science you did not discover yet, what is difference between devil and God, and human bodies and minds.
World science if you can create bullshit, I will believe in you. Like I believe in nature and God.
World our daily life reality, telling us what is difference between devil and God. God and his nature doesn’t promise, just share, and devil sweet promises, promising everyday. Facing unmeasurable high life wall. Wall which we will not be able climb over or walk back, just starve and die. Facing high life wall.
Young world beautiful nature, if you don’t exist. I will be able, happy and peaceful die. Die without love. I love you.
World I cannot tell more or less. Our future, some human being create.
In World War III for very short time and for very long time, underneath the sky, nature will suffer.
Between World War III and World War IV long century days, will help nature to heal, and in World War IV, animals will help human being to fight and live. Nature, God creation will lead nature and devil to suffer and starve, but not to die. Same God freedom and love will exist.
World only what we put in shopping bag, we can take out and use and eat. If is genetically modified food, food will create genetically modified human sperm and human sperm will create genetically modified world. Lost world, who will not be able find himself.
World can you tell what is difference between chickens who laying unfertilized eggs and between some world science and modern technology. World can you tell who can lead world, chickens who laying unfertilized eggs or unfertilized eggs. World this is my question and could be answer for life on this earth. Hundred percent worse then unfertilized eggs. God punish me if I’m wrong, and let world enjoy on this earth.
World just think, how much money we spend for hate? And love is free. World do we know who teach us and lead us? And why?
Doesn’t matter what human being create, if its not create with love and for love will turn sooner or later unhealthy, hate and poison for me and you.
America our election day 2016, woke up whole wide world. World woke up without any promises and will not go sleep soon.
World how far we can go with so much life poison and hate. World we can go very far if we exchange hate for love and life poison for healthy food.
World if beautiful America, mother of the world title die, whole wide world will suffer and pray God to die because could be impossible for life to live underneath the sky.
World healthy life psychology and philosophy, from WWII on, put life puzzle together. You will be able discover truth which will meet 21st century future days.
World our modern technology will not help us live because is only our human creation. System against our human body system.
February 17th, America beautiful God land, I am very sad for us American who realize we live on God land, very confused between earth soil and sky, and truths and very educated lies. Very unhealthy, directly and indirectly deadly life power. American I wonder, if truth cannot help and heal lies, who can and who will, help us all?
World, Native American fight for all of us in this world to be able breathe, healthy air, to be able drink healthy clean water. And eat organically growing, healthy food, healthy live and healthy die. World woke up because is pretty late.
World, I was born 1939 and lived through very unhealthy life atmosphere, life pressure, human creation, WWII. Today is February 18th, 2017, I’m facing 100% worse to come. World can we help our self? Yes we can. Only whole wide world together. Because we are and have to be, responsible for life, unresponsible. Peacefully and only peacefully, life on this earth can be and will be help. To be able live, but only together, will love and respect for beautiful nature, God creation.
If you don’t understand daily nature power, you will not understand your own body and me, Radenko Fanuka.
World, walking away from pure nature energy, God creation, human being can only create life poison. Unmeasurable poison, life education.
Modern technology could thirteen years old child mind change the world. I say yes and also, I’m 100% sure, Albert Einstein and Nicola Tesla dream about very uncomfortable too late in their grave.
World if I don’t write, I will die, and meet God guilty.
World we rape and rob our mother earth soil, and create one jail, which turn in living hell. No windows, just one closed door. Will God help us and why?
World what is difference in our present time, between children who is born today and most of us growing up in this world, children who is today born, crying for help and most of us in this world very unhealthy too early dying and still laughing. Very sad what happen to us lost world.
I wonder what could happen in 21st century to this world better before worst. Better in 21st century will not be able tell.
World our Mother Earth is God land, only for love and peace to be able to share and live. God please help Native Americans lead nature, underneath the sky, before money, power and life poison destroy life on your land on our Mother Earth. Oh mighty God, I hope its not too late to ask, how long sick can last to live without healthy air, healthy water, and healthy food, by your life power, and life law.
Where is God? Where are we? World God is with all of us. And must of us walk away from nature, God creation. Days are here, and in 21st century more days will come telling us nature will not forgive to all of us.
Beautiful God land we call our mother earth
Beautiful America our election day 2016 built unvisible and could be unmeasurable life walls between us American and rest of the world and only healthy tools exist, which can remove between us American and rest of the world life misery walls. Love and respect for God creation, God land and all of us people who live on God land our mother earth. America and world I cannot find better solution for life to live on God land. I also believe so in God will not find any better solution for all of us. Thank you God to be able to live on your beautiful land.
We call left and right wing, but I cannot discover what kind of birds could be. I can only think about one birds, modern technology, which did and does fly away from nature. I wonder how far can fly, and where and how will land.
World tomorrow without God and his nature, pure energy power. We could be only 100% worse then nothing.
Daily if I cannot wait for love and meet love, my day and days will be empty, boring, long, and unhealthy nights. Love is life, and life is love. My love lives in my heart, nature and God.
Some of you world, if you think my words and writing words wind, can, and will blow away. From our mother earth soil face. Will never happen. New generation, freedom and health, and green grass growing on my grave. Will be my witness, what I says.
People who always searching for more and never have enough. They don’t know, what healthy happiness is. They punish their own lifetime and other.
I cannot find any difference between people who have too much and people who completely lost appetite.
World economists, help me to understand what kind of healthy economy could be created and grow without healthy nature, life balance, and pure nature energy, daily life power. World economist correct me if I’m wrong. Seems to me too many people in 21st century exists underneath unhealthy wounded sky. Money and mostly unhealthy human creation without butterfly and bees turning very sick, deadly economy around. How long can last sick without nature, pure energy help.
World if we can cut our modern technology. Some feathers from the wing and some speed, we will be able save some of our lifetime.
World our modern technology and mushrooms possess same speed power, but not healthy life power. World healthy science and healthy life psychology and philosophy, take over from here, begin but not healthy life power.
World I hope I don’t insult anyone, except lies. Which cannot live without pure nature energy, God creation.
I’m ashamed to ask who will help us to die.
World I don’t know, how many people exists on this earth and I’m one of them, human being. Very often I think, about God and his beautiful creation, my love nature. I’m ashamed how we live, and why we live how we live, and getting worse and worse. Mostly our human creation, too many category life poison and one unvisible and unmeasurable worst life poison, hate cannot help us, and also sadly love cannot help us. World I am stuck to think about. God I’m stuck, I’m ashamed, I cannot find words. God I’m ashamed to ask you, will devil help us to die.
World our modern technology speed will not take us far.
God please help us healthy live and die. Because if you don’t devil will help us to die. And leave life poison for very long time on your land, our mother earth.
America and rest of the world in 21st century doesn’t matter what happen to us, good or bad will happen to all of us. But only love can help us all, and hate lead us and destroy us all. World we should be able chose what we like.