• Wednesday, October 29th, 2014



Dr. Oz, I love your T. V. show and your life’s psychology and philosophy which is helping a pretty big world in many different ways to live with a daily life’s hope.

Today is Sept. 25th, 2014 and autumn is setting in. Slowly, the exhausted reddish-yellow leaves are falling down from trees and fruit trees. I observed a pear tree which is planted a few feet away from me and I can see its leaves are falling down. However, only on one branch a few blooms began to blossom this fall and a few bees are flying from blossom to blossom. Most of the world will say it is fall, and it is too late. My question for our world’s science is, “What will the world say – Is it too late? For who, and why is it too late?” Almighty! I observe this Nature in fall and I can see a few blooms, blossoms and bees. I discovered the same life’s reason just like these blooms, blossoms and bees did – how beautiful, healthy and powerful God’s creation, the pure Nature’s energy, is. World, what this Nature, these blooms, blossoms and bees can do in fall, our world’s science with the help of modern technology cannot do in spring, and cannot do better, just worse, for the long century days that are coming.

Dr. Oz, your brilliant mind and your T. V. show perfectly match this autumn day of Sept. 25th, 2014, and these few blooms, blossoms and bees. Dr. Oz, please don’t fly away and don’t stop flying from flower to flower because there aren’t too many bees in existence like you. Dr. Oz, just fly; you’re flying in the right direction, flying away from the dead end. Yes, you’re hitting the right direction where life begins, where the world’s future was planted by one system – by God and His Nature’s energy. It was, and still is, planted. However, for the 21st century’s time, there won’t be enough time to reach and use all that was planted.

Dr. Oz, my title, “World, Don’t Lose Your Hope,” I dedicate to you, hoping that you may be able to share with the world’s blooms, blossoms and bees, our Mothers and the Mothers of the world, the very powerful Nature as it blooms and blossoms, but not without the “BEES.” I dedicate this to you with pleasure, which lives in my heart daily. Almighty God, please help this world like autumn and spring. I consider myself a handyman, a helper of God and His Nature. Signing off, author-, Radenko Fanuka

Category: Current Writings
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