Archive for ◊ March, 2012 ◊

• Saturday, March 10th, 2012


WISDOM, you must forgive me if I write the same words over and over again. I cannot forget and change my habits because I was and I am a parent and a grandparent.


How long has the human mind been in existence before it was discovered? Longer than any other discovery, and it’s still not discovered.


What is freedom? Is freedom “Yes, “ or is freedom “No”? What is love, “yes” or “no”? The two words “Yes and No” are our human daily life’s key.


It’s of utmost importance in our life to know what we learn, because it’s easier to learn than it is to forget.


Slow, and good thinking is the best life’s art.


Quick thinking normally results in long suffering.


Oh human mind, what could be worse than poison and who created it?


World’s life studies would not be a waste to kill all poisonous snakes but not if there’s only one left.


World, please don’t kill, because the dead are unable to speak and help our world’s peace.


World don’t forget, one person can do what the entire world, together, cannot.


The good and the bad is found in all of us, be it the rich, the poor, the middle class or the elite.


NATURE, I find no difference between the selfishness of Adolf Hitler’s thoughts and those of modern day technology.


I wish I could do the impossible. I would love to ask Albert Einstein, “Why” and “When”; Nostradamus I would ask, “What is the last life’s responsibility for the “invisible” Nature?” I would also love to hear a few words from the best psychologists and philosophers of every country of this world.


Why is God’s creation so beautiful? Is it because it is for everyone?


21st century is unaware that what was discovered has been forgotten, but it does live and it will be used more than ever.


God, please help our minds. Political science, is that something that the healthy life’s roots cannot live without? I wonder, if the politicians and the political science creates peace and love in our world, what would they do without hate?


Human beings were born and politicians were created? Who created them and why?


It seems to me that politics is the best selling life’s art. Everyone loves to buy and no one can sell. I have a difficulty understanding how this world could live. The more trouble there is, the more selling there is.


Politicians, please believe me that I am not disappointed with you, because people made you, you did not make the people.


My love, I am certain that you and this world will not change. I love you and the world, but I, too, will not change.


NATURE, I have followed you for so long, because I know that a “part of you” is always following me.


Nature, I love your energy and Nikola Tesla’s mind.


World, don’t be fooled. We cannot play games with God’s creation, Nature.


Human creations, by means of Nature, are proving to us in thousands of different ways that God exists.


WORLD WISDOM, praying, doing good deeds, sea salt, the rest of the Nature’s energy, and homeopathy possess the power to defeat the unhealthy power of the devil.


So far, what I can see is that the modern world could succeed healing a snake bite with the use of snake poison without any big sums of money or side effects.


Nature, when I write about you and God, I am the happiest a man could be and live on this earth.


Why does BIG normally fall very low and become very small?


I was listening to the radio as a meteorologist was talking about the bad weather and time. I believe that before the bad weather and time, God gave us a lot of time to think.


Republicans, if you cannot stay close to Nature, it may be a cause for your failures.


World’s education should fund the contraceptives, because the latter cannot fund the world’s education.


My life’s resume, so far, is best read by God and His silent Nature. The days will come when the future will be able to read it, as well.


What’s more valuable in the power of positive discoveries, the one who pointed it out, or the one who found it? It is a power, and the same power, which exists between our minds and our eyes.


Life’s dreams cannot be discovered and tasted without first tasting the reality of life.


Why were we, the human beings, born? I believe we were born to basically just live, learn, work, eat, talk and die with a degree in life’s education. Do you think I left anything out? Perhaps I did, but it’s most likely something that we don’t need.


WORLD WISDOM, life for us may not be much better, but it certainly could be much worse. Hate and poison will not help anyone in this world. Israel will not be late to save themselves. “NEVER AGAIN” could come too late for some of the world to say. WORLD, please, stop playing with deadly life’s games, today.


• Tuesday, March 06th, 2012


World wisdom, this world loves and needs America in the 21st century many ways like honey bees needs spring. I wonder, what would happen to the honey bees without the spring.


I call Newt Gingrich another Ronald Reagan, but if Newt Gingrich loses the primary, America and the world, in the short and long run, will be the losers. However, it will not take too long before misery and hate will “help” us all.


If bad didn’t exist, people wouldn’t talk about how good, good is.


WORLD WISDOM, if life’s psychology cannot bloom life’s philosophy could not blossom. Weakness, misery and lies would lead human life on this earth.


WISDOM, sweet was born before the sour, and love was born before the marriage.


WISDOM, I believe that a shower is much healthier for my soul than it is for my face.


Every time I write with my brother he cracks me up. He truly reminds me of another Robinson Crusoe. He too, would survive in the wilderness.


If you’d like to have a healthy, beautiful and natural looking skin you have to feed your skin with healthy nutrition only through “your own mouth.”


I believe hard work is healthy work. “Easy work” is not a very healthy work but it could be difficult to learn and a waste of a lifetime.


In the 21st century God and His Nature are very “poor.” It’s sad. Definitely, money is very rich. It’s very sad. ***

WORLD, what is very bad for me and you if I can sell a lie and you cannot sell the truth?


Young generation, I know that you like to buy and to have. I wish that I could just give you what I have, what money cannot buy.


Parents, help you children to think, how to think and what to think, what to write and what to read and you, teachers in schools, teach the children how to write and very slowly how to read. Just like the rest of Nature, don’t speed. Give the children time to hear their own words and to think.


Life’s Unattached Steering Wheel

Teacher’s now receive a public grade based on their students’ test results and “measured” improvements. I wonder, who was the brilliant person who came up with this idea? Where in this formula is the home life and the parents who bear the largest part of responsibility for their children’s learning from the day they were born?


Life’s educators, what do you expect human beings to learn without the energy of pure Nature? How healthy can this be?


PARENTS, nourish your children with Nature’s pure energy and your respect and love. Give them a little and teach them a lot. They will repay you.


PARENTS, teach your children how to believe in something, because NOTHING doesn’t exist, but worse than nothing does and that is “some human’s minds.”


WORLD’S  life educators, can you please tell all of us, how and what the children of the 21st century learn about their daily life’s health, freedom and future world peace? If this isn’t part of their curriculum, why isn’t it?


WISDOM, when I write, Pope John Paul the second and his life’s psychology and philosophy is always on my mind, just like the bread and butter which used to please us, the poor.


WISDOM, if the world were to compile all of the world’s life’s questions for me to answer, I would answer all of them with one reply, “WHY NOT?”


WORLD, don’t’ you see how bad it is? The pound has diminished its value.


POOR, this world and money are very poor and we cannot ask for what the world doesn’t have – health, love and peace.


WISDOM, I see new gold – new tough law, freedom, peace and love – living without money.


NEW WORLD, don’t’ lose any time looking for new discoveries before you discover the human mind.


I don’t like to die, but I know I’ll die with a wish. It is to be able to come back to see when the earth’s soil is healed, Nature lives freely and women and children are nourished with life’s respect and love.


If humans were to swim like fish, the fish would not exist.


If bad Nature didn’t exist, this world would have been destroyed a long time ago.


HUMANS, technology teaches us so much about everything else, but way too little about ourselves.


Nature, can you help us, humans? We have a problem with poison, bed bugs and rats?


Nature, you don’t talk and that’s the reason why you have taught me to write the short words.


Nature, I know you believe in God, and that’s the reason why you know how to fight for yourself, and God.


Nature, because you don’t speak, you are the greatest philosopher, and an undefeated philosopher you will remain.


Nature, if you could lie you would not exist, and you would not be able to live for you and all of your children.


I enjoy writing philosophy with the same enjoyment that I plant dormant seeds into the soil. Unfortunately, when I talk about my philosophy, nothing comes out of it except a waste of time.


How can the middle class of this world be helped when the poor and the rich don’t have enough?