WORLD GOVERNMENTS, do you know a human being cannot be what he is not, because good Mother Nature doesn’t, and will not, follow us.
I had a dream that I landed on the moon and that I met Laika. Laika did not bark, but she did say, “I did succeed, but Nikita Krushev did not.”
Black and white, what is wrong with us? Pres. Obama is black and white and cannot make us happy. Whose fault is it?
Black and white, I believe that perhaps we should have two presidents a black president for the white people and a white president for the black people. I am sure that they would be good friends.
It’s funny that millions of us, Americans, cannot help ourselves; how can one president help all of us?
What is the difference between the animals and the birds? Birds fathers and mothers take care, together, of their own babies and the animals don’t. The mother takes care of the babies and the father walks away. The animals walk way.
What is the difference between some of us, humans? The difference is what the difference is between the animals and the birds.
A very successful generation exists. Money speaks for them, but the dead cannot.
Technology, drop dead, but not tomorrow. Do it today! Tomorrow could be too late.
Technology, how healthy you are. You must drink a lot of skim milk like the early spring.
Technology, you possess a power like the mushroom, the coockoo bird, and the mule. Just like the mule, you cannot give birth. You will die only from your own natural causes.
Technology, you only know how to fight and kill. You don’t know how to love, prevent and protect.
Nature, something is very wrong with you. Through enumerable existing years, you only wrote one book of 365 pages for 365 days, for one year, year after year,. Nature, look at us humans. We wrote much more than 365 books for each day, and yet, we haven’t changed these “stupid” days.
Our Mother earth is very unhappy with us, human beings. We covered her face and we are stuck underneath the busy and “dirty” sky.
Technology, do you have any idea why I hate you? It’s because too much is not enough, and it will not be enough for one day.
Technology, what is bad about you is that you have no predators and no balance. You are falling too deep. Mother earth will suffer for too long.
Technology, it is very unfortunate that you are unable to nourish Nature with good health.
People who always complain about the past, are losing time and their future will be pretty much the same.
A beautiful great history of God’s creation exists. Between the black night and the white day, there is no hate, just love, which peacefully turns this world around. This is not philosophy, but it is a great healthy life’s psychology, and a healthy life’s education from one end to the other.
Our world’s teacher is definitely exhausted from hearing us asking and talking, but not doing.
God’s people, walk with God.
All of the beauty of this world cannot be as beautiful or compared to my health and my home. I love my health and I love my home.
To have a little and to live well is the most beautiful and best life.
God’s law is a healthy and beautiful freedom.
In this world, money talks and makes the laws.
God is a good teacher and that’s why HE doesn’t forgive everything. If God forgave everything, the world would not exist.