Archive for ◊ November, 2010 ◊

• Saturday, November 20th, 2010


Bed bugs don’t have any predators. Their predators have been destroyed, just like some of the other familiar and unfamiliar creatures, and they have been forgotten. Bed bugs don’t like fresh, clean air and bright daylight. They like to live in warm, very dry, tiny areas and in a dark atmosphere where air doesn’t “breathe.” Deadly chemicals, which destroyed and killed bed bugs’ predators, and are still destroying Nature’s balance on this earth, should not be used to get rid of the bed bugs. Wherever bed bugs exist, extremely hot water or intense steam should be used repeatedly and after four or five days this procedure should be repeated. Definitely, noone will be hurt with this simple, harmless procedure, except for the bed bugs.

• Monday, November 15th, 2010


What’s mine and what’s yours?

Mine is what noone can take from me

I don’t own anything of this world

But when I die, I won’t be able to take with me what is mine

And when I die, noone will be able to have what is mine

However, everyone can share what was, is, and always will be mine

World, you can share with me what I have been sharing with you my entire life

And many times, it wasn’t easy for me to share

I wonder, does the world share with me what’s mine

Share what is yours and mine

Share what belongs to this world

Share what this world did not physically work for

Share what this world continuously builds and destroys

Share what every child owns and with what he/she was born – a gift of God

A gift which grows and can help and heal this world

It’s a gift which belongs to every child and this world

There’s isn’t that much that is mine

And there isn’t much that is yours

But there is a lot that belongs to every child in this world

When I die, I won’t be able to take it

I must leave behind what is mine

And you cannot have it but you’ll be able to share what was in my mind

And what will always be mine

And that is – MY MIND

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• Monday, November 15th, 2010


Technology, you have created many problems and one of the biggest problems is that heaven is not larger than earth.


Technology, only your back was blessed; what’s awaiting the devil, the devil is very frightened of.


Wisdom, something is very wrong with our world’s life philosophy. The young people should always dig the grave for the old people, and not the old for the young.


Americans, there seems to be a very unhealthy history growing in our country. Some of us are so desperate to CHANGE America and follow the tail of the rest of the world. I was there and some of you were also there and we didn’t enjoy the leftovers which fell down from underneath the tail. That’s precisely the reason why most of us, if not all of us, immigrated to America.


Whatever happens in America in 2012, whether it’s good or bad, will inadvertently happen to, and effect the entire world.


I would like to address this to some of the educators, doctors and healers, “Do you know how and from where health grows, and how does it die and why?”


When you come to America, you should never forget how to speak in your own Mother’s tongue; however, you should have respect and love for your new country, America, and learn to speak English so that you, too, will be able to “vote” for your own pocket one day.


Only without money and the world’s political power can respect, love and peace grow, daily.


I can remember as though it were yesterday, the big technology promises, the promises which opened the doors for my generation – easier life, less physical work and longer living; longer suffering world’s health, and love and peace, were not included.


World, the time has come and it’s asking all of us to talk to Nature, before we pray to God and ask God for His help.


Oh God and my pencil, I ask you, “Why am I wasting some of my time, at the present time?”

• Monday, November 08th, 2010


The First and the Last Spring

God’s people, don’t be afraid

Oh, Mother technology, you are a beautiful spring

Every day you bloom and blossom

Every day is night and day

Oh, how well you teach your children

They will not stop following you from one end to the other

Good bye Mother earth

Good bye Nature

Good bye blooming and blossoming spring


The First and the Last Summer


Oh Mother technology

You are the Mother of this young world

Your breast, telephones and computers are very large

And your milk is extremely rich and sweet

No matter where you go and where you end up

The children will follow you

Technology, you are summer

You can drill just like the worm in an apple drills

Drill through the sky and through the bottom of the sea

You can drill just like a worm drills through an apple

Drill through the heart of Mother earth’s soil and young children’s minds

Good bye Mother earth

Good bye Nature

Good bye Summer’s long days and short nights


The First and the Last Autumn


Oh Mother technology, how beautiful you are

You are autumn

Your days shrink and your nights grow longer

You’re rippening like autumn but you don’t think like autumn

Good bye Mother earth

Good bye Nature

Good bye fall


The First and the Last Winter


Technology, you are winter

Technology, you are an extremely cold winter

Your breast is unhealthy and cold

It’s unhealthy and cold for children’s mouths, tongues and minds

Good bye Mother earth

Good bye Nature

Good bye first and last winter

God’s people, God will not leave you.
Don’t be afraid

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