Archive for ◊ June, 2010 ◊

• Friday, June 18th, 2010


Radenko Fanuka America, America


My left wing, my right wing

In the year 2008 you were wounded

You lost many feathers

You were badly wounded

You cannot land like you always did

My left wing, my right wing

Poor people are waiting

Please land


America, America

What happened to you

Promises died

Soldiers are fighting and dying

Poor people’s pockets are empty

Pants are too big

Days are painful and long

My left wing, my right wing

What happened to you in 2008?


America, America

Bottom of the sea is bleeding

Seawaves are drowning

Seaworld is dying

Just like the poor people seaworld is waiting for help

Oil swims too far too close

All 2008’s promises died

My left wing, my right wing

Our beautiful America

What’s happening to you?



Ending is the Beginning

My Love, if I die in spring or winter

And you’re still living

There is something I would like you to do

If you remember, you bought a plant on Mothers’ Day, in honor of our Virgin Mary’s statue

That plant didn’t’ die because I planted it close to Virgin Mary’s left side

Slowly, very carefully pull a few sprouts with roots

And bring them to my grave

Plant the young sprouts on my grave

But not too deep

Please, not too deep

Let the sprouts grow

Let the sprouts live


My Love, if I die in summer or fall

Bring a big stone as big as you can carry in your arms

Lay the stone on top of my grave

It doesn’t matter how you turn the stone

The stone has only one face

Leave the stone there

And go home

Please, don’t forget the plant which you bought on Mother’s Day

In honor of our Virgin Mary

The plant which I planted on the left side

Close to Virgin Mary’s heart

And nourished with my heart

My Love, please, you do the same


Wisdom has a Mother and a Father like you and me.


What couldn’t God have created without a woman? It exists.


There is no better wisdom than Mother Earth’s soil and Mother’s breast wisdom.


Wisdom, a woman is an immeasurable power and many Mothers like Mother earth, are single Moms.


WISDOM and MOTHER EARTH, Father SKY is a real man. He has never yet been underneath.


WISDOM, If the devil doesn’t exist, why would life philosophy exist?


No matter what it is, good healthy work is the devil’s worst enemy.


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• Saturday, June 12th, 2010


In the 21st century, of the year 2010, a new baby history was born at the bottom of the sea. It was created and blessed by technology, money and some very smart big minds who were educated for what. The old times, the old days are here. They followed the new days, just as good parents follow their own young children for many life’s reasons. This is Nature’s power, God’s and His Nature’s everlasting power. It is a power that follows new days not to the end but to the bottom of the sea, where the powerful salty silence lives. It is where 2010’s huge fight began between the devil and God. The world of the sea is very quiet and is unable to speak. Oil is covering the sea wave’s shoulders and arms. Silence, world of the sea, an immeasurable power is speaking to the entire world. It is asking God and His Nature for help. The seawaves are drowning and the seaworld is dying. Big minds, big leaders and big power are resting and hiding, and holding this world very very tightly on a pretty old leash. People who have been God’s people for a long time, don’t be afraid. The sea salt possesses a power over devil’s power and God is here.

I remember the predictions of the old days. They predicted that when big fish stop eating the small fish those will be the days when justice will begin to work for everyone in this world. This minute, as I am writing these words, I am flying around the world with the quickest speed that God could’ve created and I can see the bottom of the sea. The small and the big fish are swimming. Some of the big fish are unable to swallow the small fish. The new world and the new days are facing the old days’ and the old time’s predictions. Some of the big fish are unable to swallow the small fish. The old times and the old days are coming back slowly but surely one by one. Technology is proving to the world in  thousand of different ways that Nature is God’s creation and it is not our creation, our process. I can remember not too long ago, when the Mother earth’s soil was one world’s healthy food store for everyone, the poor and the rich. I wonder why the poor and the rich? The sea salt possesses a power over the devil’s power and at the bottom of the sea, the devil will lose the fight. The devil’s head is out and his long tail will come out and it will continue to fight the dry land. Nature will suffer. Truth will suffer, but what is good about it is that the truth will not die. Will the new grass and the flowers grow? Yes, the new grass and the flowers will grow, slowly, and so will the colorful world. It will bloom and blossom.

Some of you, the highly educated big minds, far from God and His Nature’s power, what now and what should this world do? Every world’s glass is full and too much is not enough. Some of you big minds, can you go any higher and deeper than you already have gone? Can you come down and can you come up?

I believe that you will come up before you fall down. Some of you very big minds, it is very difficult for me to compare your mind with Nature and every night’s and day’s speed and mind. I grew up with Nature, grass and trees, animals and birds, creeks, rivers and salty sea. I grew up with my life’s teachers and healers. I touched Nature with my mind, eyes, fingers, lips and tongue. From year to year, it always tasted the same.

As a young child I spent a lot of time leaning over my baby mushrooms and at the end of the day I cried. My baby mushrooms grew too fast and at the end of the day the old mushrooms died. Some of you big minds, big life’s studies, my baby mushrooms, by the end of the day got old and the old, wormy mushrooms died.

People who have been God’s people for a long time, don’t be afraid. The old days, old times are coming back, and some of you, very big minds, like the oil, some today, some tomorrow, somewhere, somehow, you will swim, swim, swim like the oil, like what and like my baby mushrooms, quickly grow and at the end of the day quickly die.

Mother Earth soil, please forgive us. Not too long ago we began to nourish Nature, your children, with our human power and breast. We were unaware that we would not be successful for too long, and we didn’t know that you were the only one health food store in this world, for the rich and the poor, and that we could both afford and pay the same amount of money for the life’s price. Whoever is responsible for the oil spillage and the drilling of your Mother Earth’s heart is also responsible for destroying your Mother Earth’s soil’s breast and the one world health food store which fed the entire world. This was, and is, a very short and unhealthy world revolution between two powers – the good and the bad power – a bad power which quickly placed the world’s cold dish on the world’s table. The world liked and enjoyed the fast meals and it still does. Together, we the world, must pay for IT, and we will pay for IT all, including our children and great grand children. Some of you big minds, did you know that no matter where and how the spider’s web is touched, the whole web will shake. Were you aware that the world altogether knows what you may not know. However, you are responsible for ALL. However, thanks to some of your big minds who always have, and still do, help God’s creation to breathe. Today and tomorrow, and life and death love you. World, altogether, let’s make two life steps available, the first and the last step. Pray! Almighty God, we and we, this world, one world, needs your help.

• Thursday, June 03rd, 2010


I lived in Europe with the poor for 21 years and they didn’t and couldn’t give me anything. I left them and some of them I helped with the American dollar, with clothing and with my own heart. Since then, most of them have died but I know how much they loved God and America because I, too, prayed with them daily. They passed on but they did not forget America. American land, American people live underneath the big sky, the big sky, the world of the immigrants, – an invisible everlasting power – love. An inseperable love is not far.

Yesterday I heard a very beautiful voice, which deeply touched my wounded immigrant heart. I heard a three year old immigrant child say to his Mother, “Mommy, mommy, let’s do it again.” America, world of the immigrants, we can do it as we always have, with love, again and again. Keep America beautiful and strong. We can do it. We can tell our world, our cities and towns where we used to live, we can tell all of the graves where some of our parents and grandparents are resting, we can tell our brothers and sisters that we love them and that we are okay. Mommy, Mommy, America, our Mother, let’s do it again and again. We, immigrants, love our world and want to keep AMERICA, safe and strong.

• Wednesday, June 02nd, 2010


What is the difference between animals and us, people? It is marriage and underwear.


My old torn pair of pants can tell what some of the world cannot how good the tip of the needle a psychologist is and how great the needle of the eye a philosopher is. Together they always have done and still do a good job.


Where physical work and respect live, normally love and peace live and psychology and philosophy rest and sleep peacefully.


Healthy life philosophy without healthy life’s psychology cannot help all ten fingers on our two hands.


If I were born without love, I would live, not like the animals and I would die like I don’t know what.


God forgive me, I am not ashamed to say that I have pleased the devil through some parts of my life, but if I didn’t please the devil than I wouldn’t be able to please God and the rest of my life.


Some of us poor, if we were rich, who would we hate?


POOR and RICH, it seems to me whatever we do it is our job and we like it.


If we cannot give, we cannot have. We cannot give because we don’t have enough love.


Doctors, can you tell us where we can find and have health? How, from where, and from what does health grow?


Mother earth soil, I am yours. Please don’t tell the world.


Mother earth soil, I love you and trust you so much. I would love to tell every child in this world to be a farmer before a doctor, psychologist, professor, philosopher, scientist and a judge. I love you earth soil and I believe in you the same as your best friend, the worm.


Nature, I love your life’s psychologist and philosophy. Tell me if I am wrong, but I think your children attended the same school every day, the four seasons of the year school.


Technology, can you tell us, is there an existing planet that will give us renting space?


Life’s education, why are too many people afraid of tomorrow? Tomorrow should be a better day.


I remember when psychology used to live in the kitchens, and philosophy in the barns and on the farms.


Someone wrote to me, “We don’t need complicated philosophy,” and that is very true, WE DON’T.


My left wing, should I worry about my right wing? I think I should.


Wisdom, a beautiful Nature’s tree, I promise you that no matter what happens to you, I will hang on, and I will not fall.


Be aware of the honest good people who cannot be what their title claims. God’s people, follow those who cannot be and they are not.

• Wednesday, June 02nd, 2010


God loves America and the world. I understand the people who didn’t vote for President Obama, but I don’t understand those who voted for him. Why do they criticize President Obama? I wonder, where were they living? I guess they lived in America. For certain, it is very difficult to please us, people, and especially those who have to taste before they smell. However, President Obama is the president of the greatest nation of this world, the world of immigrants, the beautiful America, the world where the world’s birds build their nest and never fly away. God is good. He will help us all and judge us all.

• Wednesday, June 02nd, 2010


The world cannot succeed to create a better system than work and the American system. However, the world can create one large pot for the whole world to wait on a long line for bread and diet soup. I was already there and I waited. The line was too long, and the pot was too small. The pieces of bread were very small and very sweet and life was as sour as it could be. World, don’t lose a lifetime and punish the children of the world. There cannot be a creation of a better system than work and the American system.