What has human being successfully accomplished without God and His Nature’s power? What, we don’t know lives successfully.
In the 20th century many life’s answers were planted very quickly and in the 21st century too many life’s questions bloom and blossom.
Some of us and some of you, do you hate yourselves for always speaking and telling the truth?
Too much of anything, an overflow, and lies possess the same power as the gun bullets which can kill the world.
There were too many times in life when I was hungry and when I wore torn clothing and worn out shoes. They called me poor; my heart was rich. POOR, the rich and the very poor cannot live without us, the poor, and we cannot live without the good hearted rich.
Harmful diseases and life’s philosophy could possess the same power to destroy the world’s kitchen and leave behind hungry, wounded and lonely world.
What is Nature? Nature is someone who can tell me that I am a somebody or a nobody.
Who is the “I”? “I” cannot be number one and it cannot be “We”.
I wonder what is the difference between us, the people, and the days and what is the same?
Parents, teachers and professors, health and healthy life philosophy grows and it cannot be bought or used before it is planted and grown. The ground has to be prepared and fertilized with pure Nature’s power before anything can sprout or grow. It will take some time before the seeds can sprout and the plants can grow, and the young children and spring, from one spring to the next, to sprout and grow, again and again. Health and healthy life philosophy sprouts and grows.
Poor and rich, if I would be able to divide the sea and the land in half, the small and the big fish, and the poor and the rich would die hungry. I would, for a very short time, be the last leader of the world.
Poor, we always forget how the promises tasted the last time.
Europe, you are a beautiful, lovely land. You always live in my heart. Your life’s nests are built some too shallow and some too deep, and your life’s, too often up and down; changing hills, are hard to climb.
POOR, we can succeed to live a beautiful life throughout our lifetime, but only without promises from others.
POOR, the time never waits for us and we should never wait for the promises.
POOR, the rich cannot live without us, and we cannot live without the rich.
POOR, no one in this world exists who can help us today and tomorrow except the good work.
POOR and RICH, everything that I know and have, good work has taught me and given me each and every day.
POOR and RICH, we should never argue or fight because we don’t have anyone else to love.
POOR and RICH, don’t you see, only we, we have to meet and make the world peace.
POOR and RICH, we cannot live without the eraser.
RICH and POOR, our meeting should always consist of meeting with the flowers in our gardens, where they grow, and with the food on our tables.
POOR, by hurting the rich we are hurting ourselves, and you the rich – by hurting the poor you are hurting yourselves and you will hurt yourself.
POOR and RICH, whether we like it or not, we were married only once and our children are falling in love.
POOR and RICH, after all we say and do, only one God exists.
POOR and RICH, only MOTHER EARTH soil can teach us and help us, from day to day, and parent to parent, how to live a beautiful life and die peacefully.
POOR and RICH, so far, we have always been wrong. Without any physical work, there are those who cause fights between us and they are still winning.
Talking to Nature is talking to God. To love Nature is to love God.
The entire world would change in a relatively short time before the American system could and will change.
What is the difference between the old days and the new days? It is the life’s experiences.
The existing difference between the old and the new days is too far, but the year 2709 will be able to tell. What is the difference between the old days and the new days?
The new days always talked about the good old days and the old days used to be very scared to speak about the new days.
What is the difference between the old days and the new days? The old days asked the new days, “Where are you going?” and the new days cannot ask the old days, “Where were you?”
What is the difference between the old days and the new days? It is the healthy and the unhealthy speed of daily life.
What is the difference between the old days and the new days? In the old days, health passed through the Nature’s mouth and it fell down from underneath the Nature’s tail directly into the mouth of Mother Nature soil and it turned the world around. In the new days it turned out to be a very clean power which is traveling from mouth to mouth and with an unusual speed its turning around this world’s health.
It is extremely healthy and you will feel so good if you open your window and clean your own room. You will feel the same way if you make a vegetable soup with beans once a week. The beans will open your window, the fresh air will come in and you will feel so good.
God’s people, the stone is silent and love is here. Happy holidays!
I am old and I still love only one government – God’s government.
The entire world knows everything. People never stopped talking about “IT” but many years ago people didn’t’ know HOW. Today, people are still taking about “IT” but they don’t know WHEN.
The world will say that I am an unhappy writer. I cannot lie. I am always so happy to be able to wish you today for tomorrow’s better day.
I wonder why is it that I was unable to learn more than what you, NIGHT and DAY have taught me? Especially, you, nights, you live a boring life. You always sleep and your days, just live and work. You are so lazy. You possess the power and roll like a flat tire without any pressure. You will never be able to land on the moon. I wonder what kind of food you are eating and what kind of vitamins you are taking to sustain you, to be able to live and think about how you live and why you live. I am grateful to you, nights and days. You were everything, and for everything, and I appreciate you so much.
Mother Earth’s soil, please tell us your secrets before we die.
My life, without your life’s help, could not ever make me a writer who I am.
STUDENTS, as I continue to write about life, I am unable to find more than one category that life falls into, between two well connected ends – life and death. The dead do not speak. Life speaks for everything. There are two categories of education – the daily life’s education and education, the life and death education. The truth is, whatever we learn, we learn. Can we use it? Why not? These questions are valid only during our lifetime, if we have the time to ask time. As we, “observe planet earth,” I believe better words would be, “observe Mother earth soil’s face.” SPRING, where life begins and ends, and daily life’s education was and continues to be born, why is it that the educated are not able to help the virgin, the uneducated, before it is too late? WORLD’S STUDENTS, time, most of the time, doesn’t have time for questions. As I continue to observe Nature I came to a conclusion that the time of the 21st century is waiting for only daily life’s education with positive education life’s answers.
Believing in God is always the first step. A few weeks ago I wrote that, “I was so happy because I thought I have met the devil for the very last time. “ Believing in God, today, I am so happy again to be telling you the truth which also lives in many of your hearts, the love for God. Today, the devil was not able to defeat this truth. The devil never follows a bad power; the devil always follows a good power. God’s people, don’t ever give up. If you are a writer, write. If you are a preacher, preach. If you are a friend, help your friend. Talk to your friend. Nourish the truth which lives in your heart and mind. Take new steps over and over again. The devil will follow you, but not to the end, take my words, the devil will follow you, but not to the end. Today is April 11, 2010. It is 5 P. M. If God allows me to live until tomorrow, I will write about it and let the day after tomorrow know what happened to me, today. Believing in God is always the first step.
I remember the old days when women wore only one pair of pants and they served their families hot meals with a smile on their faces
God, I am ashamed
Women did not change the earth soil’s breast
I remember the old days when women wore only one pair of pants
I remember the healthy, hot summer’s sunny days
I remember all of the days when Nature followed the sun from sunrise to sunset
God I am ashamed
Women didn’t’ change the sky
I remember the old days when women wore only one pair of pants and they served their families with a smile on their faces, many prayers, and hot home-made meals
I was there and men wore two pairs of pants
Today, I am here
And too many of us men are wearing one pair of pants
This world, in a very short time, has lost two healers and leaders, Pope John Paul the 2nd and President Ronald Reagan. As very young children could miss good parents, this world misses them.
There wasn’t anything in my young life that hurt me more than the events of W. W. II, and once again in my old age, the words, “change America” coined in 2008. God, do you like my life’s philosophy? If America changes, where will this world go?
Mother Earth’s soil, physical work and white day is in trouble but not in any bigger trouble than the rest of the world.
God cannot be good only for one day, and the same holds true for you and me.
If love didn’t exist, sorrow, sins and animals would not exist.
God, please don’t punish the “stupid” and the “poor.” I will be a witness to attest that the “stupid” always say, “I don’t know” and the “poor” don’t know why they vote.
This is dedicated to all children who suffer with autism. I would be the happiest man in this world if I could alleviate and take away the pain from each and every child who suffers with autism, and live and suffer for them as long as they live.
The past can help the present, and in a very long term, Obama’s presidency will help the world.
There are only two existing regimes in this world, WORK and NO WORK.
There’s only one existing life’s law underneath the sky, “HELP EVERYONE”
Life’s education should not permit to kill people and to put them in jail. If anyone should serve a jail sentence then it should be life’s education.
Why do some people have the tendency to use the word donkey and “stupid” synonymously? The word SMART, can you tell us, what have they done to this NATURE?
HEALTH, I am certain that life’s education must use an eraser today before it can use a pencil tomorrow.
MOTHER EARTH, there are not many truths and short words left. They all live within a day.
Human law, so far, is the best. Teachers teach, healers heal, writers write and liers lie.
Has Nostradamus forgotten to tell us that in the 21st century, the first nation that “changes,” will in turn change the world?
I believe that there is a human mind capable of creating a law which can lock the truth behind a jail’s door, but not for too long.
Love is and could be everyone’s, world’s beautiful art.