Archive for ◊ April, 2010 ◊

• Friday, April 02nd, 2010


Time and Nature did not and could not change the world. Some very unhealthy human mind and human life’s philosophy without any healthy life’s psychology did change this world. It’s a power which possesses a power like termites, moths and rust and it’s a power which cannot build and find a home on this earth.


Parents, lesbians, and gays, the everlasting God’s creation is beautiful. I cannot find any other words which would enable me to say any more or less.


Lesbians and gays, love and freedom are very beautiful. Think about it. Most of the time a No is a Yes. Freedom is beauty and beauty is freedom and love could be and very often is blind


Lesbians and gays, don’t fight for poisons and gun laws, laws which were crated before poisons and guns. Political power and wars never have and never will help this world and they will not help you. Love yourselves, freedom and love. Make a new history. March and fight for love with love, freedom, respect and world peace. Show the world how beautiful this world could be, and how beautiful God’s creation is.


People-black, white, yellow and red, we were all gifted with life, love and respect before we were born. By asking for more we are definitely getting less. We are reaching for the moon saying, “Mother Earth soil, goodbye.” We are getting married too many times and we are leaving too many unhappy children behind. By asking for more we are getting less. Lesbians and gays, please think twice. Don’t destroy your life’s gift for less. Your gift is freedom and love.


God help us, we need so little to have so much.


Physical labor and bread possess an equal power as that of Nature’s power, and it’s a power which surpasses any other human power.


World, pray to God for love and peace. Follow the light. In the 21st century, the farthest the human being goes, the darkest it will be. America could be what some of the world’s people wish for America to be. The whole wide world will not win, but no one can say that the world cannot make the last step.


Teachers, healers, writers – please help me to share God’s gifts with the world.


I was born in the morning before the sunrise, and I stopped crying when the sun rose. There isn’t anything that can make me happier than the oncoming of a new day and a new sunrise. Thank you God, and thank you Mothers and Fathers, for everything.


We can only insult ourselves and no one else.


I love to taste life’s taste. For me, a “Thank You” that comes from the heart is the greatest gratitude anyone can show me.


Yesterday I felt so happy I thought I met the devil for the very last time.


There is a category of people in this world who have a difficulty recognizing that too much is not enough and that God does exist.


The days are passing by and the final days which will tell all of us that playing games with  God and His Nature are over, are not so far away.


Disease loves to destroy the life of a young plant and so does the devil. He loves to destroy a young human’s mind.


What’s the difference between technology and water? Technology spills like water but it doesn’t evaporate like water. Technology dries and it will dry like ink.


Oh how beautiful our days could be if Spring could communicate with the weather every day and if women could communicate with every man.


If you would like to be a man you must be a good provider and a man.


If a man is unable to help a woman, he will not be able to help himself and the world peace.


Nature, what has happened to me? In my writing world, wherever I end I always begin.


World, all of us will have an opportunity to eat with chop sticks.


Nature, I have studied your laws and I realize that you can punish me, but you cannot walk away from me.


Nature, what would your future be without the planting and the growing of your wisdom seeds?


Day , why do you return every day? You must be exhausted from talking to me. It’s a always the same story and the same category  – life, work, sleeping and eating. Day, have you ever written a book for yourself and your friends? If you have, it must be a very boring book.


The whole world created nine numbers and Nature created all of them.


That which was created over the power of Nature will not have its two ends meet.


Work was born yesterday. Human being was born today.


What Mother earth’s soil is unable to convey to us, the health food store  is telling us all.


Thank you God for everything that is good.


Freedom, no matter how and from where I examine it, how I place it or turn it, technology and hate possess the same power, but not like a sphere. Rather, they possess a power similar to last year’s tomato plant sticks.


I am addressing this to some of you doctors and educators, Nature is asking the world, “Where is the world headed for without Nature, leaders, healers and teachers?”


The world is composed of three categories of people. There are the very good poor, the very good rich and the suckers who would like to be rich and big.
