Archive for ◊ March, 2010 ◊

• Monday, March 15th, 2010


During the nine months of gestation this world is still  a great Mother.


It will take a long time but Martin Luther King’s, a good wise man’s dream, will come true and every child’s dream to be born will come true, but not before Spring, a woman, leads this world.


If you love work and America, you don’t need to be born in America in order to call yourself an American.


American system cannot die before Nature and work dies.


World, to help America is to help the world, but not to help America will be much worse than the end of the world.


People, whether we like it or not, some of us should be aware that physical labor, respect for Nature, love and peace will through the long, difficult and very painful days, walk back home where they were born. The devil will suffer and continue suffering but he will not be fortunate enough to be able to die.


At present, this earth’s soil is not missing anything except for the pure Nature’s fertilizer which was and is the only healthy food for the earth’s soil. Also we, human beings, are not lacking anything except for the healthy life’s education for today and tomorrow, a lot of healthy food, respect for Nature and for ourselves, and love and peace.


Doctors and professors, have some of you ever spoken to Nature about how important it is to be able to help the human’s unpredictable mind?


Nature, something must happen very soon. Don’t give up your hope for living. Humanss are building so many health food stores of cement and hard bricks.

• Friday, March 05th, 2010


Two Way Road Far from Home
Today, the old day Feb. the 19th in the year 2010
Is visiting his home
Where he was born
A home a land that’s covered with snow
Thank you God and your Nature
For enabling the old time
And the old day to come back

A cold and a beautiful day has risen
Before the sun rose and the snow melted
Thank you God for everything
And for the two way road
That’s far from home
A home where the truth was born
Magnificent Nature, you are so beautiful and good
Every Day is visiting his home
Where he was born
And friends visit friends
Throughout the days of the four seasons

Today is a beautiful day
And it is cold
Mother Earth’s face is covered with snow
I am so happy
To see my old friend
The one I fed last year
Has come back
My friend, the bluejay is back.

My old bones heal as does the branch of the old tree
Where my friend the bluejay
Sits and rest

Thank you God for everything
And for the two way road
That’s far from home
A home where truth was born
Today, the old day Feb. 19th
Is visiting his home
Where he was born
Mother Earth’s face
Is covered with snow
The bluejay searches for food
And so are human beings
They’re searching for truth
And for healthy food

Truth is here
God and His Nature’s truth
Are sitting on the health food store shelves

Liars, believers and non-believers
The smart and the wise
All stand and wait
On the same long line
To buy and to pay
For God’s and His Nature’s
Everlasting Truth

Thank you God for everything
And for the two way road
That’s far from home
Good God, please bring us home

• Friday, March 05th, 2010


If in the year 2010, you’d like to see the Democrats and the Republicans standing together, standing and waiting on the same long line, go to a health food store. You’ll see them there. They’re buying God’s and His Nature’s truth.