Archive for ◊ February, 2010 ◊

• Thursday, February 25th, 2010


Truth exists and the rest of them grow. We are all human beings with different minds. Human beings, animals and birds are born with one heart and the rest of the Nature some with one and some with many hearts. What does the truth look like? Truth looks like the Mother and the Father, the day and the night. Night has the power and the day has the eyes. Truth looks like one heart and all of the hearts. A heart is a very serious and a very sensitive truth. It’s a very sensitive life’s instrument and a tool.

                Human beings, animals, birds, fruits and vegetables live with their hearts and so does Mother Earth; she lives with one heart. It doesn’t matter how big it is, it’s a heart. Pressures, unhappiness, unhealthy food, drills, bullets and knives can destroy the heart and life. If we cut fruits and vegetables in half, we will find pits or seeds and that is the heart of the fruit and the vegetables. If we find an unripe fruit lying on the ground, chances are it has fallen down from its tree. If we cut it in half, we will definitely find the young’s fruit wounded heart. It’s a fruit which is normally destroyed by the tiny worm which drills through the fruit’s body directly into the fruit’s heart. I wonder how would the Mother Earth’s heart look, if we were to cut Mother Earth in half like an apple or a pumpkin, or if we were to do the same to Mother Earth what the worms do to apples, peaches, pears and other fruits.

                We are all human beings and we grow up with different schooling and minds. We all attempt to see and look at what some of us are unable to see. We all live, pretty much, with the same life’s tools, and some of us live very far from Nature. Some of us know how to use the tools, and some of us don’t. I make use of my mind, my eyes and something that can cut through without having to cut the apple or the pumpkin or the Earth’s soil in half. Mother Earth’s heart is very soft, wet and big, but it doesn’t matter, it’s a heart, and if we know each other, we would be able to know a lot more about our heart and Mother Earth’s heart.

• Thursday, February 25th, 2010


Wisdom, physical labor is dying out and that’s the reason in thousands of different ways why the white day and the black night are in deep trouble; and it cannot be helped before physical work and Nature’s balance are helped.


Health grows and it must be planted to be able to grow.


I cannot see my friends through the full bottle of wine. When I empty the bottle of wine through that empty bottle of wine I can see them all.


Truth, which has not died in 2008, lives. Hillary Clinton is the only one who can help the Democrats in the year 2012.


No matter what, or what happens in the 21st century it is Nature’s and women’s turn. Without the powers of Nature and women, love and world’s peace will not grow. I’d give the children of the world Sarah Pelin’s and Hillary Clinton’s hand to hold onto. They are two great women, two great Americans and two great world’s minds.



The year 2008 told the year 2012 everything in advance. The year 2012’s same history will try to repeat itself. Those of us who cannot help Nature and women will not help tomorrow and their children’s future days.


In the 21st century, people will be able to see as they have never seen before Nature and time, helping Nature fight the unacceptable human power and minds. Everything that’s little will not be stopped from growing. However, at the same time, love and peace will grow.








• Tuesday, February 16th, 2010


WISDOM, I am searching for a publisher who could help me publish several small books in the genre of “Food for Everyone’s Mind.”

• Tuesday, February 16th, 2010


In the year 2709, I see the women of the world fighting for what the men haven’t fought. Not many people, but love, buds and blossoms, peace and freedom will win. Together with Nature human life will blossom.


World, I write in a certain way because my sister, Vera, told me that I was there. I came back and I write about it.


Black night, it is the year 2010 and my body is exhausted. Why are you waking me up? As I took a glimpse through my bedroom window, I knew why you were doing it and I forgave you. There are too many lights and peace and freedom are lost. You, too, cannot sleep, just as I can’t. All together, we have to follow only one light.


People who accept suffering find happiness.


It is possible that in this world there could have been only a few people who didn’t respect and love Pope John Paul the 2nd. We should have made new history that would have pleased our earth’s soil, God, and help our own life on this earth by proclaiming Pope John Paul the 2nd a saint before he died.


It is very healthy and it’s not too early and it is not too late; the time is right that some of us pray to Jesus and some of us pray to God.


World Wisdom, how many days can we live without our life’s lies?


World Wisdom, at the present time, if our life’s lies cannot help us, who will?


In the 21st century, there isn’t anything that hurts me more in my life than to think about you, the beautiful children, and then write the truth.


Technology, I possess a few pairs of shoes, jackets and pants. I believe you and I can be good friends for a long time.



Can this world be helped in the 21st century? Yes! Will this world be helped in the 21st century? Why not?


Present time, I know that when I write I am losing time, but world, do you Know, so are you!


Moon, you are looking at us from the top down. You should see how we look from the bottom up!


Moon, when we come up next time, ask us what have we lost and what are we searching for.


Moon, I promise you that if we cannot change you, no one will.


World, no matter what it is, I cannot believe that it can be tasted only once.


WISDOM, what could be the difference between the spoken words, written words, and poison within a short and a long lifetime?


Every time I hold a pencil in my hand and I write, I am signing my name and, therefore, I hold myself responsible.


Poor, if we were to lose God, who and what would we have?


I don’t have a friend with whom I can talk and that’s the reason why I am speaking to you, world; and I am not looking for one friend, I need all of you, world.


I am a writer who loves to wake up before the sunrise and tell the world what yesterday forgot.


I know that I use everyday what most of the world has forgotten.


Health and beauty and beauty and health were once considered to be one life’s body.


The year 2010 woke up relatively early the rich and the poor wise Americans.


Poor, are we aware of what the politicians will do without us poor?


Poor, I am certain that if we, the poor, didn’t exist, the world wouldn’t exist.


Poor, we cannot help the poor before we can help ourselves, the poor.


Rich, always pray to God for the “little” and the “poor.”



























• Thursday, February 04th, 2010


Poor, how would this world look without us poor

What would grow and what would be small

Everything that’s new would be old

What would be sweet no one would be able to tell

Poor, without us, poor

This world would lose

its life’s taste


Poor, how would this world look without us poor

Everything would grow very quickly and very slowly

The days would be too long

And small hope would be destroyed

Big hope would not grow

Poor, without us poor

This world would lose its life’s taste


Poor, how would this world look without us poor

Everything that would be new would feel old

This earth would be too small

And the sky would be too low

Everything would grow very high

At 12 o’clock, in the middle of the day, the sun’s rays wouldn’t get through

Shadows would cover the east and the west

“Small” would not exist

Poor, without us poor

This world would lose everything

And its life’s taste


Poor, how would this world look without us poor

Poor, we live like sparrows

Poor, we don’t live like squirrels

Without us poor and the sparrows

Our streets would be very dirty

Covered with breadcrumbs and food

It would be a world without “small” hope and “big” would not grow

There are no better people than the good, poor people

And there are no better people than the good, rich people

The people who created the breadcrumbs

And the people who don’t waste small hope and small breadcrumbs

Poor, without us poor, nothing would grow

Life would be without hope and sweet taste

• Thursday, February 04th, 2010


Soldiers are you aware of who you are fighting and why? Stop fighting and dying for the enemies of this world. Long, bad history repeats and it will repeat, if you, the world’s soldiers, don’t cease to fight, but this battle cannot continue for very long. Soldiers, your enemy doesn’t fight. You are fighting for them, just as my father fought for them in World War 2. He fought far away from the home where he was born. His enemies lived in our town. We called them neighbors. They didn’t fight. They remained at home drinking the best wine, eating warm, good food and sleeping in a warm bed. At that time, I was a young boy; like a little puppy, I smelled their food. I searched for their leftovers and the dry bread crumbs. I lived like a young puppy and my Mother lived like a grownup dog. We were very hungry and we licked our wounds. World War 2 ended. That’s what some people said. NEVER AGAIN! What hasn’t happened is on its way.

My Father did come back from World War 2, but when he returned he was unable to find a job. We didn’t have food, money or clothing. We couldn’t find any help. We were free from everything but not from the flies. Just like the hungry dogs, who lost their home, we licked our wounds. As always, sad new history like the old history, repeats. The enemies lived a very good life and they still do. World’s soldiers, this world is not in your enemies’ hands. This world is in your young soldiers’ hands. If you like, you can live a beautiful, peaceful normal and healthy life, drop your weapons. Stop fighting for your enemies.

Don’t be afraid. Your enemies love to start a fight, but they don’t fight. They are afraid of a fight. They will be very quiet and stay at home. World’s soldiers, God’s soldiers, you definitely possess the power which will not hurt anyone in this world. It’s a power which is, and which will be in power. Tomorrow will come, but soldiers, today, God and the entire world will love you even more.

Good God, please help the hungry puppies and the grown up dogs and all human beings, especially those who are dressed in uniforms and some in civilian clothes. Please help those people who have been tied up throughout the long century and bad history days on their long, invisible leashes. My Father was a soldier and a world hero. His purple heart medal was larger than my young, tender hand. I remember asking my Father, “How many soldiers have you killed?” His warm tears ran down his wrinkled face like overflowed rivers over the dry land and he remained silent. World’s soldiers, I have lived with these words that my Father told me such a very long time ago, “Son, I never killed anyone. I helped everyone.” My father’s medal was not made from iron, diamonds or gold.

My Father’s medal turned out to be a war’s prize, God’s beautiful gift created from love, freedom and peace. My father was known in our small town as a man who served enemies and friends, and who for the very last time, washed and dressed people’s cold bodies. He was someone who prayed for them and completed his job. World’s soldiers, I strongly believe my Father has been paid very well for the job he did so well. However, he had not ever asked his enemies or friends, for their life’s resume, knowing that a good teacher, a good God, will ask it of them all. World’s soldiers, I, too, was a soldier, before many of you were born. I served in a tough Communist army for two years with the same mind and heart that my Father served in World War 2. Don’t kill anyone. Help everyone. I served in an extremely tough army for two years. It was served with the most beautiful feeling I ever had in my life. I helped heal many of the wounded soldiers’ minds and hearts.

I lived and I still do live in your soldiers’ hearts and minds. I know it is not easy when the tough times come to fight and die. It is a very sad, uneducated, unhealthy life psychology and philosophy moment. It is a sad, shameful wish, a life’s revenge power. It’s a power which is not dead yet. It’s a power combined with the smart technology arms. It’s a known and unknown power which will not be able to wash and dress the cold, dead bodies and pray for an enemy or a friend. An unhealthy power if you, the world’s soldiers, fight, will finish his job. The last curses will fall on this beautiful Mother earth’s soil’s face, and they will not evaporate and dry up like the raindrops, or the early mornings’ dew. Good God, please help the young children, the young soldiers and the life on this earth to heal and live.

World’s enemies and friends, I would like to tell you a short story, which you soldiers, with the help of a healthy world’s help, can make into an everlasting beautiful, long life’s story. This story can be continuously repeated by itself, from one day to the next. It was in 1959, when I was a young soldier and I heard the words from a young man, who like I walked through the same army gate. He was not able to serve some of the human power and God’s power. His spoken words were, “You can kill me, but I will not take a gun in my hands.” Good God, you know that today the time is right. The world’s fruit is not green and all of it hasn’t fallen down yet. Tell the world and every single soldier and the soldiers who are carrying small, medium and big stars on their shoulders what the young man who walked in through the army gate said to his enemies and friends, “You can kill me, but I will not kill you.” He did say, “I will not take a gun in my hands.” It’s a wise, simple message without any life’s philosophy and it is the only message that can save you, soldiers, as well as this world.

At that moment, going back to 1959, as I observed the wise, young man’s bruises on his face, heart and mind, I couldn’t help my mind and heart. I lost human sorrow and my life’s value. I reached for my gun, to protect this young man. The young soldier’s and the unknown friend’s hands were quicker than mine. Behind my back, he embraced my body and my hands. The young soldier, the unknown good friend, saved my young soldier’s life. I didn’t kill any enemy or a friend I didn’t know who was tied up on a long, invisible leash. The good God was there and the enemy was sitting at home waiting for a victory, for an innocent young soldier to die, the enemy who was and is responsible for the small and the big wars. They are responsible for the wounded and the dead soldiers who are known and unknown and those whose bodies lie underneath the known and “unknown” cold stones.

Beautiful, innocent soldiers help and reach each other’s minds, hearts and hands before you and your unknown friend, the soldier, dies. God was there. The unknown friend, the soldier, did not just save my life, but I believe that number one and one soldier possess an immeasurable power, like the first raindrop, to help all and to help save this “unknown,” beautiful world.

In 1959, I was twenty years old. It was then that I lost my mind and my good heart as I reached for my gun. I cannot remember the month and day of this occurrence, but what I do remember is the hour and the young man, God’s and world’s hero, and his beautiful mind and heart. I lost my control but not for too long. I remember my words, “My friend’s can we open the gate and send our friend home?” God was there and the world’s enemies were sitting at home enjoying life with their families and their good, warm meals. The young many didn’t walk out of the army gate. I saw and I know that he flew like a dove through the gate with respect, love, freedom and world’s peace. He flew into this beautiful, but a very sad world.

He flew away from a bad known and unknown history’s nest. World’s soldiers, your life, family, friends and the entire world of the 21st century lives in each one of your hands and if you love God and life you cannot ask more of God and life, just drop your guns. World’s soldiers, you are facing the extreme tough times of the 21st century and if you fight, you will not win. You cannot win. You will hold very little in your hands, but not for too long. Number four, the very nasty youngest brother, will be born who will in a short time, do what the three oldest brothers have not done or accomplished through the long, bad history days.

World’s soldiers, you are this world’s honest friends. I, too, was a soldier. You are my good friends. I am begging you, please, don’t fight; please don’t die. There is only one existing truth which will help you and forever live and stay with you. Today, this world still lives in each of your world’s soldiers’ hands. Fly away, fly away with your life’s luck,, like a dove, through the army’s gate with respect, love, freedom and world’s peace from the known and unknown bad, unhealthy history’s nest. World’s soldiers, how safe, blessed and beautiful it is. You don’t have to hurt anyone to be able to help everyone in this world.

Soldiers, just fly away like a dove. You will be able to land and tell the entire world, “This is God and God’s soldiers’ land.” That will be the day when for the entire world, the sun will rise as it did once before. It will be the day when human’s respect, love and peace will once again cover the beautiful, Mother earth’s face. That will be the day and the days when the world’s love and peace will be able to tell the world what you, world’s soldiers, have done that the two lousy older brothers could not and why. That will be the day and the days born, before the two nasty younger brothers will be born.

World’s soldiers, I love all of you. Please come home without the guns.

• Wednesday, February 03rd, 2010


God, if you cannot forgive me

For what Spring cannot refuse

For what Summer cannot live without

And for what Fall cannot have

God,what will you do with this world

Turn it into one cold winter

No Spring

No Summer

No Fall

God forgive me

It’s not all Spring’s fault

• Tuesday, February 02nd, 2010


Republicans, for the year 2012 employ the same philosophy of snails, that’s not far from the earth’s soil and low-growing plants.  Stay close to nature.  Nature will be able to heal your political psychology wounds.  And you Democrats, there would be nothing wrong if you lived with a small hope for the year 2012.


Why can’t lies change this world? 


People, love and peace is here.  Where are we?


This world is not prepared for fighting and this world is not prepared to die.


I am sorry world, but what Nature is telling me, I am telling you.


What’s the difference between us, people, and the days?  The difference is that the days are all working days without any holidays.


Without any physical work this world is very tired.  Nature will send us on a vacation.


We are a great generation who loves to create holidays, should I say, for ourselves or for those who have died for us.


To help Nature is to help God.  To love Nature, is to love God.


To destroy money is to save the world.


Poor, we never make mistakes.  We know how to invest for the rich.


Poor, if we became rich, we would live like the rich.


Poor and rich, we need one another, but we don’t need the third party.


21st century, there is no country or land which can protect us, the people, from our own hate.
