Archive for ◊ December, 2009 ◊

• Wednesday, December 16th, 2009


America, Not Yet World’s past history cannot be separated from future days. If the year 2008 changes America, the entire world will change. America, as well as the rest of the world, pray to God for America to remain strong and pray to God today for tomorrow’s love and peace. I am promising my children, grandchildren and the entire world that the political life’s games the world has been playing for too long while employing hate, will not bring us victory. However, I am also promising that in the long future days, peace and love will grow like tulips in the early spring. I envision this world as a power, without the American power, like the three seasons of the year without the spring. America, throughout the 2008’s Primary and Election days, the word CHANGE woke up some of the world’s old wishes and hopes for the rich and the strong America to fall on its bare knees. The year 2009 did say, GOOD MORNING NEW DAYS, in its early stages. In America and around the world, hate will grow quietly, quickly as the mushrooms and strong as the oak trees. In the year 2009 and in the future days, political and religious power will take a long time to ripen. Too many of us will not be able to taste the real taste, the taste which will not bring America luck and the world its love and peace. 2008’s America’s Primary days, for so many Americans, will become the unforgettable days. Ever since my childhood days, the words America and the American system, Republicans and Democrats, have nourished my heart and mind and so have the innocent and beautiful children of the world. I always loved and still love, one America and one world. Throughout the Primary days of 2008 some of the political life psychology and philosophy of us, the poor and the rich, was great but not for the entire day. I am hoping that we won’t be able to change America and make her any less than what she has been. 2008’s great American political life balance was wounded. The Democratic party was wounded and will not heal so quickly. Poor, we should never forget and we should teach our children that the political power never has and never will feed our mouths the way it feeds our minds. Political power is not for everyone. Work is for everyone. The beautiful, the smart, the rich, the religious and the politicians, WHO are the poor people? There are animals, birds and people. Who is our enemy? Should we kill them or should we love them? I believe that we should love them before they kill the “one poor world”. I have been observing Nature and the human mind throughout most of my life and I have come to a conclusion that we, the people, are playing a game with Nature, God’s creation, every day and every night. It’s a game which helped us to create the very “smart” words, like the word SMART. Throughout the 2008 American Primary and Election days some of us very smart Americans insulted Nature, its bodies, hearts, minds and faces. It didn’t take too long before the swine flu knocked on America’s doors. This is not Nature’s revenge, but it is God’s and His Nature’s power. A healthy immeasurable power, women, Mothers, and together with the face of Mother Earth were shamefully insulted. Hilary Clinton cried. She was weak and Sarah Palin was not smart. Who were, and who are these people who said those words? It is the people and their power who did not help us, the poor, and this world’s love and peace, yet, and they never will, but they feed us, the poor, always with less, so that they may get from us, the poor, more. It is the power that can live without work, but not without TALK, the rich, and us, the poor. Well, after all, I believe Hilary Clinton is doing very well. She’s flying high, like an eagle, over the deep, seas, and she’s landing like America always has, on two strong feet, not on the bare knees. She’s flying like an eagle and landing like a dove and offering the world America’s love and peace. How beautiful this world could be if we could all cry before the beginnings of a war. A beautiful woman, a great American, a Mother and a wife, Sarah Palin was not smart, just like Hilary Clinton was weak, is a foolish political mockery. Our good God and His good honest people, who are not “dying for power,” know that she was not, and is not very smart, but she was, and is, a wise woman and a Mother who still lives with a healthy human instinct, a big American heart and a good mind. This world is like a child who needs the warm breast of Mothers, their love, and the good fathers’ support and love. This world doesn’t need the cold power, it needs warm love. What a man didn’t do, a woman can, and will do, through the long, bloody century and the tough times. RELIGIONS AROUND THE WORLD GROW TOGETHER, just as the beautiful flowers grow together in our gardens, and follow the light before darkness arrives! Let Nostra Damus be wrong for only one half of an inch but not for an eighth of an inch. At our present time, the world possesses the power of one big spider web. America, you must be very strong, but for what you are searching and if you find IT, just remember, the “live” will help you, but the “dead” will not. And so, you, too, world, remember, the live can be of help to you, but the dead will not be of any help. Future, I wish I could make you present, and give to the present what I am promising you, the future. What respect and love can accomplish! Americans, we are wounded just like the rest of Nature and the world. We need God and His Nature’s virginity in thousands of different ways; we need help and health. The year 2012 could be born prematurely, and there will be a great need of doctors who believe in God and His Nature’s powers. We will need doctors who can proclaim to the world that Nature can give, but not forgive. In the year 2012 on America’s Election Day if I were able to, I would allow the children, the Mothers and all the women to stand in the first row and the strong men to stand behind their life’s backs. The live can do, and are promising what the dead cannot, and women’s immeasurable power can do what man has not done. During the 2008 Primary and Election Days, Sarah Palin didn’t lose political and American life’s virginity. She still lives with the same heart and the same old American mind and sees what’s on the minds of the rest of the world.

• Tuesday, December 15th, 2009



People who lack a healthy life’s instinct cannot be animals or birds, but they can become bad human beings.


Life, sitting between four walls, a roof and a floor is not a healthy life.


Black night, why are you waking me up before sunrise?


Black night and white day, how long have you been married? You have so many children and they all look the same. A long time ago, my great grandmother asked me, “I wonder, where do they all live and return one by one, at exactly the same time?”


Old people, the government will pray to God for us until we live and we should thank God that we are able to eat.


People know everything, but they don’t do anything until the war begins.


Nature, can you create some doors and windows, like we do, to be able to get some fresh air?


Nature, do you hate us because we use so much gasoline and perfume?


Nature, what kind of life philosophy would I be able to write about if I didn’t attend your school?


Wisdom, too much is not enough. “Too much” and “smart” are two words possessing the same power.


Wisdom, this world can be helped, but it cannot get better before it gets worse.


Wisdom, people who love to work don’t have time to talk.


Wisdom, people who hate to work are unaware that they dislike themselves.


Wisdom, not working, is punishing all of us, directly and indirectly. It’s making us pay high taxes, build prisons and dig, prematurely, many of our graves.


Wisdom, I believe in God, work, a fork and a spoon.


Wisdom, rich and “riches” are not the same. Money still doesn’t know the value of “riches.”


Wisdom, oh how beautiful this world could be if all the rich understood the value of “riches.”


America’s young wisdom, nothing is impossible before you die. Your life could change overnight, unexpectedly.


Wisdom, good taste no one likes to taste only once. So, I , too, am saying more than once, “Work and the American system will live forever.”


Wisdom, 21st century’s time desperately needs more than ever before, teachers, healers and leaders who believe in God’s creations.


There’s a huge difference between us, the poor. Some of us will not bend down to pick up a penny, yet some of the rich will.


Wisdom, no one can have a better recollection of the rich parents and the poor children than the very last penny.


I heard my Mother’s words so very often, “Be careful! That’s not for you!” As a result, when I first sat in my grammar school class, I was afraid of what I should, or should not learn.


Wisdom, I was a fortunate child. I never searched for wisdom; wisdom followed me.


Wisdom, life becomes very sad when the very young children must follow their parents, before their parents can follow them.


Wisdom, how beautiful is God’s wisdom? One tree can feed us all. I remember when I was picking fruits off a tree with my Mother I asked her, “Why, on the same tree, does a small and a large fruit grow?” Her answer was, “It’s for the poor and the rich.” God’s wisdom is extremely beautiful.


My wise and patient sister, Vera, recently told me, “If someone were to follow you through the forest, they would get lost.”


Life, what’s the difference between life’s instinct and wisdom and between sunrise and sunset?


Wisdom, where can one find an “unhealthy” human instinct? Remotely removed from Nature!