• Wednesday, November 25th, 2009


Can some of you doctors, professors, life psychologists and philosophers help put my mind to rest?  Please help me to understand why there is such a disparity in price and “power” between the two different life’s eggs.  Should I have concerns about the life-giving human sperm?


Some of us do not yet believe that whatever it is we put in and plant, it will come out.


Republicans, your luck may bloom and blossom in the year 2012, but stay close to Nature and God, in order that you may win respect, love and peace for America and the entire world.


Mothers and Fathers, what has been created by God and his power of Nature, has a right to live in love and peace, my dear wife, just like you and me.


NOTHING does not exist and everything that speaks can turn in a political power, a power which cannot be destroyed.  It’s a power which can, and will die solely from natural causes.


My good friend, John Skrabonja, I remember the day when your life philosophy and your bottom lip touched the tip of your nose as you told me, “You’re trying to change the world.”  The truth is that I will not succeed, but the tough times will succeed, to change this world.


Oh my love, most of the world is just like you.  You choose to eat the best piece on your plate first, and I choose to leave it for last.


Good God, let me live one more hour so that I may taste and see the world’s love and peace.


The future will be able to see God’s name rest.  Our nature, the Mother earth and the Father sky, and the daily physical labor are telling the world that our life’s psychology and philosophy doesn’t work as a team, as the black night and the white day do.  It’s a shame that the “tough and the  bad time” will accomplish for us what we cannot accomplish with the “good time”.


There isn’t anything in this world that is more healthy or beautiful than to live with God and a small hope.


No one can compete to grow with the small hope.


It doesn’t matter who wins the election of 2012, the Democrats or the Republicans.  It is of utmost importance that America wins in order for the world not to lose.


Human power which supercedes the power of day, is not a positive, healthy power.


World, can’t you see that behind our days and our technology, a new world, a new Hollywood, health and beauty exists.


BLACK, WHITE, YELLOW and RED, if someone put something in a black, a white, a yellow and a red bag, what would you do?  Would you choose by the color of the bag or what’s inside of it?  Black, white, yellow, and red, our skin color is extremely beautiful, but what’s underneath our skin and in the bags, could also be the same-good and bad, ugly and beautiful.  The truth will definitely be there.

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