Archive for ◊ October, 2009 ◊

• Saturday, October 24th, 2009


Nostradamus didn’t reach the end of time, but he has reached the time of 21st century.   He “met” the entire world that possesses two different kinds of chicken eggs.  One is the very expensive organic egg and one is the cheaper egg.  They are two very different eggs, two very different sperms, two different lives and two different minds.


A beautiful healthy life looks like a two way road and our freedom in the 21st century looks like a one way road.


The dead are unable to speak and let us know what happened to them.  It seems to me, talking about expensive organic eggs is the same as talking about the last year’s spring, summer, fall and the last winter days.  World, this is something very new.  Has this world already died and no one told us about it?  God rest Nostradamus’ soul in peace.  He was not far from the “end of the organic egg”.  I wonder what the new spring and the two different prices of the eggs will bring to our summer, fall and winter days.  What will they bring to the human sperm’s life’s body and mind?


I can envision Manhattan as a beautiful farmland.


Beautiful children, always follow “one eye”, the one face, the one day from sunrise to sunset.  Follow your luck.  Through the dark night you’ll be able to sleep and rest with your luck and peace. 


Some of us and some of you will destroy the rest of the days just to remain and to be in power of our country and our world.


Some of you life’s professors and educators, can you tell what was wrong with my parents when they told me, “Don’t pick the green fruit and take it away from the mother tree”?


Human beings are responsible to help Nature and to prune the trees and fruit trees.  However, human beings do not possess the rightful power to alter Nature’s diet and take away its meal which was prepared through the long century and cooked through the four seasons of the year.


What’s the difference between big and small?  Normally, at the end, big can’t tell you the difference.


What’s the difference between us, people and lawyers?  Lawyers don’t have any enemies among them.  They are all friends.  We do have enemies; we fight our friends.


God, I am not referring to humans, but how can I possibly please the rest of your creation in my writing?


Work is definitely older than the power of politics.  It seems to me that the power of politics was created for every OTHER day, but at the present, it’s for everyday.  Americans, whether we like it or not, we better pray to God for a strong American politician.


All our enemies, the diseases, sit with us, as we enjoy eating our daily meals.


Parents, good God can pass through the “needle’s eye” and if a child can pass through the “needle’s eye” in school, don’t worry about him.  In my elementary school I barely passed through the “needle’s eye” for four years, but one year I was unsuccessful and couldn’t pass.  God hasn’t forgotten me and my life’s luck, which I love sharing with you, parents.


Young Americans, you can find everything in this world, but you cannot find a better system than the originally-born work system and the old American system.


You can taste the American system just like food.  If you don’t like it, you don’t have to eat it.  The kitchen door is never closed.  The rest of the systems you cannot taste.  You must digest them and eat them behind closed doors.


America, love yourself.  This world loves you a lot.


What’s the difference between a living bird and America?  Every living bird flies with its two wings, the right wing and the left wing.  Strong Americans, Republicans and Democrats, only the living birds are able to fly with two wings, just as the healthy and strong America always flew.


World, you don’t have to ask the birds and the animals where they love to fly and go.  It is certain that they will not go where there isn’t any food or freedom.  I followed the animals, the birds, and the people, and I ended up in America.  It’s a shame that after I learned everything, I then left for America.


I have lived in NYC for the past fifty years.  During that time, Mayor Koch, Mayor Giuliani and Mayor Bloomberg, to my knowledge, were the best mayors.  They helped the “living” of NYC before they helped the dead.


World, think about this; some of us, if we could, would change God’s term limits.


• Wednesday, October 14th, 2009


May God help us in the year 2009 and in the near future. May HE help us in our homes, on the avenues and on the streets. May HE help our children to sing in their classrooms, “Good God, Good God, help us, help us, the world is lost; we are lost. World, please pray for America to remain strong and to be able to help the rest of the world.


I am not of Jewish descent but I am a human being. I cannot tell you more or less but if you like to compete with the Jewish people, don’t fight with them. Think and work and the world will win.


World, with our life’s fiction we are running in a round circle far from one end. The truth will wait and win.


What cannot die? That which cannot live.


Life’s psychologists, philosopers and writers, when you combine all categories of life tohether it’s ONE LIFE. What’s easier, to live, or to write about it?


People of the world, Mother earth’s soil is telling us that we have become very lazy and unproductive and we live an extremely unhealthy life. Most of the world lives without asking any questions. The earth’s soil and the time have the answers for the whole wide world.


Almighty Father, a woman helped you. Please help me to help the women of the world to create and to lead love and peace.


What many men plant and how they walk away from women, the mothers, is a sad wisdom and sad wisdom seeds.


A “bad” roof will cause “bad” walls and weak floors, and a “bad” man will cause a “bad” woman and weak children.


World, we are still climbing higher and higher, and we’re falling deeper and deeper.


All of us will die. Only, those who lived and have died are my witness. Some who have died are still waiting.


In our life, it is most important NOT TO FORGET that we WILL DIE.


Many categories of life exist. Living and dying is one of them.


God, I love my job. I love to write and I love Nature. God, I wish that I could help your creation, the beautiful Nature. I will leave behind, Nature, and for Nature HER first and last words.


Life, I wish I could criticize the dead.


Oh, God, please stay with us and tell us, parents, and grandparents, our doctors and professors what our children are missing.


LIFE’S HEALTHY ECONOMY, the world doesn’t know WHO Nature is. The world won’t tell you, but what Nature will tell you, you will do.


World Wisdom, just think about it, “What’s the difference between Mothers and the Mother earth’s soil?”


When something bad happens people are frightened. Why aren’t they afraid before it happens?


I am aware of the fact that I criticize this world. I wish I didn’t, but I am not criticizing everyone. My son and my daughter smoke and I criticize them. I only wish that fire didn’t burn.


I will die, but my deep rooted writing, every day, and Nature will live, grow, bloom and blossom.


The day will come when “NOTHING” will be very expensive. Don’t throw away, “NOTHING.”


Only respect and love possess the power over the devil’s power.


Of all existing animals of the world, humans and sheep are pretty similar. The major difference between the two is that the shepherd watches over the sheep and guides them whereas our shepherd watches over us, but we still allow ourselves to get lost.


How beautiful and healthy our life’s economy could be, if pure healthy Nature’s power could nourish our hearts, bodies and minds.


Beautiful, colorful world, there is no other way; just follow the daylight and the truth as the rest of Nature does.


World, IT is here. “Uneducated,” daily life is here, far from Nature and God.


Every night before I go to sleep I say, “Good night Nature. Tomorrow, you will be here again. Please, help your enemies and your friends.”


Truth, I am not asking you for anything else in this life, just help your truth.


Beautiful women, truth has a father and truth is the mother.


I don’t think I’m wrong when I say that the whole wide world knows everything.


The poor and the rich always existed and will exist. Poor, there is no other way for us, poor. We must work and stand as close to the rich as we can.


Dumb and smart, poor and rich, I believe we are getting closer. We share and we will share all of our truths.


I find it extremely pleasurable to engage myself in conversation with people who like to converse about healthy organic foods and our great U. S. A.


• Saturday, October 03rd, 2009


Life’s balance is something that you and I can call our truth, you and I, white and black.  Two colors can create ONE, and one color.  A black woman and a white man or a white woman and a black man can create ONE and one color.  It’s one compatible perfect creation, and it is not mine, and it is not yours.  It is OUR creation and OUR truth.  In love, and with love, give and take possess the same power, but the nine long months of gestation cannot be compared with a few seconds of enjoyment.  Every Mother deserves the highest life’s reward, as it already is and exists, and so does a good providing Father.  However, Mothers, you brought into this world, with God’s help all innocent and beautiful children.  Throughout the world and in America there are many of you, children, whom we can call, “our children”.  It’s one color created by two different colors of a man and a woman.  Please, add a few of your words next to mine and help me support a beautiful God’s creation of balance and truth.


The entire world has changed so many times, but my hope is that America DOES NOT CHANGE.  However, if America DOES CHANGE, the soft bones of the poor Americans will be consumed by the entire world, and especially by the Europeans.


No matter what we do today, tomorrow we will be paid.


People, our future cannot run away from our past.


If you’d like to turn your life into a different direction, you must think about it and work for it.


The best thing for this world and the worst thing for the political power would be if all the people worked and knew how and what to think.


WORLD, where are we?  If all of our fiction and lies were to die today, what would happen to us tomorrow?  Would spring be able to bloom and blossom with skim milk?


Nature is big and strong like an elephant and a human being is tiny and a huge trouble like a point of a pencil could be.


Pencil, it is not your fault what the world creates and how this world lives.  It is the fault of some who drew too long of a line from the dot and who have tied up the world into knots.


Our technology creates numerous large, powerful powers without knowing how fast “small” has the ability to grow internally.


People, we can cry, we can laugh and lie, but our past is our best life’s resume.


How sad it is that despite the richness of our Nature and our earth’s soil, we, humans, are not reaping the riches!


Beautiful children, I love today for tomorrow.


November 3rd, 2008

Today, I would not change my life’s philosophy and America for the whole wide world.


I have a strong belief that if I could have all of the world’s existing money, many truths of the past and the present would suffer. However, I am positive that I would be able to help Mother Nature and the world with matches and a strong wind.  I would burn all money of the world.  In the future, people’s power would be able to tell if new money will be printed and if a new devil will be born.


I am not sure if I dreamed it, or did I really hear the words of the author whose book is titled, “Only Super Rich Can Help Us”.  It’s a great and a very healthy life philosophy.  How many times will THEY HELP US?


A great generation was, is, or will be?


People who lack respect for work, lack respect for another human being.


Every day, as I pray to God, I find America more and more on my mind.


I see this world as a deep sea without a shore, and I see America as a tiny little island.
