Archive for ◊ September, 2009 ◊

• Friday, September 18th, 2009


Since the past has not surprised me, neither will the future. As I observed the young minds of children, I knew that my hope and my wish would not die. World, I will not be here to see it, but my wish will not die. “IT” is impossible, but not impossible to think about. I’d love to hear Albert Einstein and his friends ask Nostradamus a few of life’s living answers.
Many beautiful flowers exist in this world. Most of the yellow flowers will destroy themselves, by their own power.
21st Century is fertilized enough to enable wheat and very tiny things to grow.
God’s good people, please walk in a round circle. If GOOD cannot catch BAD, GOOD will wait.
I don’t mean you, Nature, I’m directing this statement to us, the people, “The more we learn the more we need and the less we have.”
NATURE, you are beautiful. Throughout the four seasons of the year you always wear the same clothes and the same mind. Please share your secret with our psychologists, how and why you are able to rest and sleep, and how you are able to live a beautiful peaceful life which very much resembles my life’s dream.
Without any money, just with respect and love, this world would be very rich.
Thank God, it is so very healthy and beautiful that “riches” and love cannot be bought.
Today, hold a piece of bread in one of your hands and in the other hand, hold all the money of the world. Tomorrow, the whole world will follow one of your hands, that hand that’s holding the bread. WORLD, we follow money and we will not find bread.
WISDOM, this world is an unusual fruit. Throughout the four seasons of the year, one side is unable to ripen.
This world has so many very good people about whom we are unaware. Only God knows about them and that is enough.
People, who don’t believe in God, but who highly, respect and love Nature, follow the truth, and they are not lost.
Some of us, as well as some of you, should be ashamed, if our past and our present can’t predict the future- what it will bring and what it’ll take.
Some of us work and plant. Some of us worry and think. Some of us sleep and eat and don’t worry what today and tomorrow will bring.
If you cannot make more than one dollar a day, work for a dollar and save a quarter. I’m sure that throughout your life you won’t “make out just good, you’ll make out very good”.
When our many living truths turn into unacceptable lies, mother earth’s soil will be covered with love and peace.
Women of the world, the 21st century is yours. In the past, you and our children have suffered and you “paid for it”. In the 21st century you will continue to suffer and the entire world will pay for it. Beautiful mother earth, and beautiful women, you will meet a beautiful future of love and peace.
Huge mind that’s larger than the mind of the earth’s soil can be counted up to nine digits, and fertilized by a zero, and as many existing zeros that there are. Nothing will happen.

Who put the word “fight” into power? “Stupid” for sure, didn’t. No matter what it is, we are always ready to say, “FIGHT” a little too late. All our enemies, including all diseases, we can fight, directly or indirectly, at the right time, with respect and love. This earth’s soil was created with respect and love, and so was everything that grows and dies.
The world will come very close to its end. Work and the American system, as one, will make the first new step of walking back.
This earth is small. PEOPLE, we are in need of some space. Where are we going to put our problems and our minds?
The perfect time in 2009 is NOW, to tell all strong Americans, Democrats and Republicans, the poor people, and the world’s peace, that 2008’s Election Day, the big life’s wave, will NOT HELP them. Everyday’s life, world’s peace, and the future will tell, if I was wrong.
LIFE EDUCATION, not knowing, and knowing, possess a great life’s balance which SHOULD help our life’s education and the world, but it doesn’t and it won’t.

• Saturday, September 12th, 2009



They called me poor.

I was not poor. I lacked food and clothing

I did not have money; I was not poor

My heart was rich, rich, the same as the heart of the rich

Poor, are beautiful people

Same as the rich, with a rich heart.


They called me poor

with their big sorrow

those who were poor in their hearts

those who always did and still do

stand like a fence between the rich and the poor

stand like a fence between people

who lack clothing and money

and people who have everything

and who have a rich heart.


They call us poor

with their big sorrow

Always, for the first time

they throw us their promises

The second time they throw us

bones with some meat

and for the last time,

through the long century,

again and again, they threw us “clean” bones and dirty hate

a hate which always falls between

what they call, us, the poor,

and the rich, with a rich heart


They called me poor

I was not poor; my heart was rich

rich, the same as those who have

everything, and a rich heart,

POOR, if rich, with a rich

heart, didn’t exist, there

would be no “poor,” and

there wouldn’t be those

who feed us with “clean”

bones and dirty hate

and no one would be able to say

that an animals’ world exists!


They call us poor, and the rich, rich

They feed us with sorrow and hate

POOR, we should never call ourselves, poor

but we should change our life’s

psychology and philosophy,

as quickly as possible

We must stop working, for THOSE,

and supporting and holding

the life’s fence,

between, what they call us,

the poor and the rich.


I wonder, “Who are THEY?”

Throughout the long century

THEY haven’t YET found and established

their first and last name

THEY don’t know any better

because they never worked

and they still don’t work.

They were never poor

and they were never rich,

but they eat, and live,

with an empty, hungry, heart.


World, the young, the poor

and the rich, with a rich heart

you can do it together

You can “turn” this world around

and feed those

who call us, poor, and the rich, rich

with so much less

Young world, God will not punish you

and I’m sure work will not

let them starve, but if it does,

the world will not be held responsible

Poor and rich, with a rich heart

this is my rich life’s philosophy

with one beating heart


They called me poor

those who never stopped flying around

the world, and leaving their eggs

in other birds’ nests, like

the cuckoo birds, and then fly

away, AMERICA, fly away

searching for a new home, a new nest.


Wisdom, here is the world’s answer. At our present time, if the devil were to die, some of us would be happy and some of us would cry.


World Wisdom, the termites are winning.


Category: Poetry  | Leave a Comment
• Tuesday, September 01st, 2009


Is America perfect? No, America is NOT perfect. Heaven must be a perfect place, but it’s not for everyone. America is a heaven in this world, where immigrants from all over the world reside. Is heaven a better place than America? Will heaven give us a chance and open its doors for, us, immigrants like America did? America, you are a beautiful heaven. We, immigrants, can always fly back and forth. Our heaven’s doors are never closed.


World healthy life psychology and philosophy is fearful that if America changes, what will happen to the earth’s soil and us all?


21st Century’s daily life’s education, how sad and shameful it is to eat and not know what it is, yet, directly and indirectly, we have created it.


Mother Earth, it’s difficult to believe how some people have nothing to say about you. The days when no one will be able to die from natural causes, are not too far away.


Wisdom and daily life’s education, I can promise this world that our health cannot be aided until we bring Nature into our school classrooms.

Radenko Fanuka


Wisdom, this world is facing only one life’s problem that is as big as it- could be. We are walking between two ends of life and death and we are walking away from Nature, the fork and the spoon.


I am unsure of what this world is missing, but I am positive of what this world is not missing – it’s hate and unhealthy food.


World, when I write about you I feel like a small ant who bit my toe when I was five years old.


Beautiful earth, your face contains beauty and warmth. When I touch the surface of your face with my bare feet I feel as if I am touching a woman’s face with my lips.


The earth’s soil appears beautiful covered with grass, and a woman’s “spring” looks beautiful covered with hair.


What the world awaits, the day never fails to say, “Good morning and good night.”


I wonder why, but I gather there must be a reason why you and I are living here.


People, this world is OUR world. We don’t need lawyers, we need the law.


It is impossible to change this world for the better, and not to change it, for some, for the worse.


Publishers and writers, we should never hold the world in the palm of our hand; we should “touch” the world with our index finger, as does the rest of the world.


My friends, I love what I do. I live, I work, I pray and I write.


Healthy food and healthy sex is a life power above all others, which prolongs life.


There isn’t anything in this world that is more important than to study the human mind and to die of a natural cause at an old age.


World, don’t you see that our hate didn’t grow like a mushroom? It grew, and it’s growing, like an oak tree.


World, don’t you see that hate never helped us, and it WILL never come to our aid.
