Archive for ◊ July, 2009 ◊

• Thursday, July 30th, 2009


So far as I can see, Pope John Paul created the best life philosophy for the living and the dead. It’s a philosophy which he left with us and for us. It’s a philosophy which is no different than our daily healthy life’s food. Pope John Paul was a living saint.


Nature, how can you tell us, human beings, if you like our food? We always did and we still love your food.


Nature, I have always wondered, how can you see yourself without a mirror?


In 21st century “big” money has helped man land on the moon. However, it has not helped us to stop using inappropriate, unhealthy terms, “crazy” and “crazy house.” The word “crazy’ and this world are in need of same help.


If you are searching for a good life, mix together the good with the bad. You will then have a good life.


It’s our own great discovery. If we love something, we talk about it. If we hate something, we also talk about it.


I am sure that if we could barricade our life’s borders throughout the world with healthy food, many and the worst of our enemies, the diseases, would suffer and starve.


Wisdom, something seems to be so very wrong. Why is it that our high life’s education is unable to help our daily life’s education?


We need God. We need the earth’s soil and the sky. We need farmers, we need love and respect and we need to stop selling each other our own created lies.


Tell this world the truth. What can you do, and what can you discover without Nature’s healthy balance?


At the present time, the way in which we treat Nature and ourselves, we are converting power between us and Nature into the same kind of power which exists between a house mouse and an elephant.


Throughout my life I have observed how our world plays games with Nature. I despise it and I hate the thought of how it will end.


People of the world, don’t you see thousands of different ways how far and, yet, how close we are? Please help me to write, help me to help the young world, and us, the old, to die peacefully.


They were wrong. The world will not end. Our misery and everything that is above God and Nature’s power, will end.


The earth soil’s richness and beauty is covered with hate and curses and the rent is not paid with love. Too many dead will suffer and wait on a long line for a long time. Hate and curses will dry up, but not like the rain drops.


World life psychology, philosophers and writers, at our present time, when we think, talk and write about Nature and God, we should never forget how important America is.


The occurrence of W. W. I and W. W. II were not enough to please this world, and one more will still not please the world. One more WILL please ALL.


If Nature gave us permission, where would we go?


No matter who we are and what we are, Nature is holding our leash.


I love, Nature’s diet. I eat everything.


Everlasting truth, why is it that animals and the rest of Nature don’t have the obesity problems as we, humans, and our domestic animals have?


It seems to me we are moving far away from Nature. Who has the scissors to cut the umbilical cord?


Nature, I love your diet recipe. Did you publish any books yet? If you haven’t, you should, and help us with obesity and life’s problems.


Americans, there is one God and two systems. One system works and the other one waits to be fed.


Young Americans, the words CHANGE and WAIT possess an identical power. The world has changed many times and it’s still waiting. Some fortunate ones immigrated to America, and some with a big hope are still waiting. Young Americans, please don’t change America, but if you do, you will wait on the same long line with those who would love to come to America. May God punish me if I am lying, and may God help you as he has helped me when I was very young.






• Thursday, July 23rd, 2009


Life’s Truth

Michael Jackson came into this world as a beautiful child as most of the world’s children do. Life’s uneducated, unhealthy pressures began to destroy the young child’s life from the very early childhood days until the very end. It is the same life’s pressure which is destroying millions of other too young children’s future days. It is destroying human minds, bodies and hearts this instant as I am writing my words. World, life psychology, teachers, healers and parents, everything, and for everything that is too early will be too late.

Michael Jackson was a great artist, a great young child and a great human being, despite his life’s pressures. Michael Jackson left his voice behind his name and much more for this world to think about and to learn. Too much and not enough possess the same unhealthy power. May God rest Michael Jackson’s soul in peace. World, remember the great artist, Michael Jackson and these words, “Too early is too late.”


Living Truth of 2008

Poor, don’t you see, not too many, but some poor are already rich. Their own promises and changes made them rich. Poor, we helped them with a little more than what exists in our pockets today. Poor, remember these words, “Only God and the system of work exist who can help us, the poor.”


The difference between some political power and God’s power is the same difference that exists between the hammer and the wood.


Where is the daily, healthy life’s education? It is extremely sad how our world follows liars and continues to “buy” lies.


Love is huge. I can share my love with the whole wide world. The more I give, the more I have.


Women of the world, hold your hands together like an iron chain and those who help you, will help peace, love and the future children of the world.


Oh, my wisdom, yesterday I forgot to tell you to help the wisdom seeds to grow. Today, I am sorry, but for this world it is not yet too late, today!


Please, don’t call me a philosopher. Call me by the name of what will lie on the top of my grave.


Half of the world, please help women because if women aren’t helped and can’t help this world, in the 21st century, this world will reach its end, but not the end of its suffering, and not the end of the world.


This world needs God’s help every single day and in the 21st century, it needs America’s help.


America, you must trust someone. Trust the time of the past and the time of the present so that you may be able to create a better future.


World, when I think so much, I see so little.


Before you do something think about it and ask yourself, “Can it be done?” think about the human mind and health.


Those who created poison did not, or could not, read the human mind.


World, at the present time, everything turns to truth. It’s a good time for all of us, and the deaf, the blind and the color blind.


WISDOM, twice, I lost my money playing the stock market. I have never lost any money from my pocket. However, if I did, I know that there are some who always look down and they would find it. I believe this money would be blessed.


I believe in little things. Little things we can make grow. I am fearful that BIG can make us all small.


I have two loves. They are love and healthy food.


Do we live and work for healthy food? If we don’t, can we live without it?


Wisdom, in every home and in every school there should be a sign posted on both sides of the door that reads, “We live and work for healthy life’s food.”


Today. President Obama visited Russia. That’s good news for today.


It was a great prediction to create poison, kill Nature and live free.


Four season’s of the year time prediction could be a little earlier or a little later. It is the same power as some human beings’ prediction power for today and tomorrow. Yesterday’s and today’s time is an old predictor and a teacher who stopped learning and cannot be helped. It’s the time that taught us all.


I never had a chance to vote for a woman and I never wasted a vote. In the year 2012 I am ready to cast my vote for a woman, regardless whether she may be a democrat or a republican. I’d love to see a comeback of two strong, pure American women and mothers in the election year of 2012. These two women could, and women will help love and peace thrive among us all in this world.



Strong Americans, every bird flies with its two wings, the left wing and the right wing, and one head. America, so far, so did you.