Archive for ◊ April, 2009 ◊

• Monday, April 27th, 2009


I empathize with anyone who has difficulty sleeping. When I was a young man, I had some long sleepless nights of my own. Since then, I have been, able to better understand how difficult it is to go on without rest and sleep. It took me a while, but I did discover the cause of my sleepless nights.

We should never give up hope. Peace in the present, as well as in the future, should help us have many nights of good sleep. We should believe in ourselves, because we are the chief com¬manders of our own sleep. It is impossible for us to find anyone other than ourselves who can hold our hand daily and take charge of our lives. We must decide what it is we need to accomplish each day before we step down from our bed, and not allow temptation to persuade us to do other things. It is important that we hold on to our own steering wheel with both hands and make positive decisions that will enrich our future days and not haunt our sleepless nights.

Someone might say, “It’s easy for you to say.” Actually, I think it is rather difficult.Think how tough it is when someone is trying to take his first bite of a big hard apple. The second bite conies much easier and then the person is able to start tasting the juice. During our waking hours, our hands should always be on the steering wheel. We should take them off only when we go to bed at night. Positive thinking and hard work lead to accomplishments that fulfill us. In the end, we feel content, and the fatigue brought on by hard work can only enhance our sleep. We must leave our bad, troubled roots behind and strive to do better for ourselves and our loved ones. We must move on and try not to repeat that same history. It is at this point that the healing process of our genes will begin.

Sleep is a real fact, but just like anything else in life, it must come from somewhere. If we fear our problems and allow ourselves to think about them, we will have difficulty sleeping. If, on the other hand, we have positive, pleasant thoughts, we will heal and help ourselves to sleep well.

Life is a battle between the real life and the short periods of enjoyment we are constantly searching for, which could be sweet tasting but destructive to our lives. This is partially the reason that makes us lose a good night’s sleep.
In life, it is very important to have a good, honest friend. That friend can contribute to our good health and a good night’s sleep. Most of us interact with others twenty-four hours a day. It is beneficial to our health to take a break and be apart from one another for at least a few hours of each day. We have a need for tranquility and a necessity to hear the honest, silent voice of a quiet friend.

During my early years, I was fortunate to discover some special friends whom I cherish to this very day. I visit them on

a daily basis. The friends I am speaking of are my friends in nature. Nature keeps building my hope, it helps to heal my wounds and it helps me to have a good night’s sleep.

I find it very comforting to take a walk through the park. I enjoy looking at the green grass and the beauty of the trees.The chirping of the birds and the scents of various flowers make my day much more beautiful and satisfying. Nature has given me, and every one of us, this offering to enjoy and, unlike anything else in life, it is free.

I find gardening and planting vegetables, fruit trees and var¬ious flower-producing plants not only necessary, but essential and stimulating. After I have had a hard day of work, I find myself working in my garden. The amazing discovery I have made is that although I am filled with fatigue, once 1 step foot in my garden, exhaustion and anxiety disappear and I am filled with calmness and happiness. I feel ready to do a day’s work. The more plants 1 have, the happier I feel, because I know they are all my honest friends and at the end of the day, they will help me to close my eyes peacefully so that I can fall asleep.
Hard work and keeping myself occupied has always been, my goal and my pride. Not only have I accomplished most of what I set out to do, but I also never had any sleepless nights. What I did have, and still have till this day, is pleasure, satisfac¬tion and beauty surrounding me, thanks to nature.

Nature is a beauty within that we must seek, love and respect. We could get love and respect from our family and friends, but we can also get a great deal of it from domesticat¬ed animals such as dogs, cats, birds or any other pets. These faithful friends can bring us endless hours of pleasure and they will never forget or ignore us. These pets are our friends. They solely depend on us for their existence. Our minds will be stimulated on a daily basis, our hearts will be fulfilled and our thoughts will be calm. We will, once again, have a good night’s sleep.

To me, nature is a trustworthy friend. Nature has never cheated me and it has been my best friend since the day I was born. I often say, “For less you can get more.” However, for more you can also get less. When this happens, you may very well experience sleepless nights.

I believe man has been blessed by nature and its four sea¬sons. Each season contributes to our lives and their tranquility. When we make a decision to plant dry seeds, we enable a new young plant to be born. The seeds, before they were planted, were dormant. Planting gives them an opportunity to have life, to breathe and to grow.

Deep, dark nights can certainly be a time of desperation and loss of hope. Remember, the seeds would also have lost their hope without someone’s help, someone like you or me. I am certain there isn’t anyone who has yet been born who can say, “Seeds which were planted “will not pay you back.”

At one time or another, we have all taken nature for granted. However, it is my belief that nature “will not continue forgiving us. Its power and its life-giving seeds can sustain us and heal us much more than we can ever imagine. We should cherish, love and respect nature. Nature has been and still is the best mother we have ever had.

• Monday, April 27th, 2009


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• Monday, April 27th, 2009


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• Monday, April 27th, 2009


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• Monday, April 27th, 2009


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• Monday, April 27th, 2009


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• Tuesday, April 21st, 2009


Every writer writes with a purpose, and for a purpose. My reason for writing is TODAY, TOMORROW, EVERY SINGLE DAY and EVERYONE in this world. I believe in God and I have high respect for his Nature. So far, I realize, I have had one teacher who has taught me how to live, respect ALL Nature, how to write, and has give me a purpose to write. My teacher’s name is, YOUR LIFETIME and MY LIFETIME. At the present time, I am realizing more than ever before, that every day, our beautiful innocent children and your life, as well as mine, ARE ASKING ME to write. My writing is elementary and simple and yet, it may be the writing that could make a difference in your life. I am aware that there are many teachers, healers, preachers, psychologists, philosophers, leaders and writers who are trying to help this world. That is also my intention. Your best friend and my best friend, our beautiful Nature, is trying to help all of us, walk down the road we have built. It is trying to help us walk and live between the two well connected everlasting ends, our beginning and our end. Will we allow Nature to help us? This is what has frightened, as well as, worried me, ever since my early childhood days. I am asking the world many questions and I strongly believe my questions are the answers for our present, as well as, the future days. Humans waited, and we are still waiting, for time, but time never waited for us. Time will come when many of us will not be shocked by what Nature will bring our way, but in the long run, Nature WILL HELP to save the world.

I am aware that I am a new writer, just like the new dreams, new germs, new diseases and the unfamiliar new weeds. I am not a writer who can help and please more than what one day can, every day can, OR, the four seasons of the year can. However, I AM a writer who believes that I can tell this world, that THIS LIFE, too, is beautiful. That is precisely the reason why we all love to live before we die. I love ALL LIVES, and forever, I will love YOU, WORLD.

• Thursday, April 09th, 2009


Parents, do you love your children and God? There isn’t anything in this world that’s perfect, but Jesus’ silence and His suffering were perfect. What was, and what is different, between my Mother and my wife is that I couldn’t change my Mother for another Mother. My marriage was not perfect, but it was a perfect suffering. However, my wife was my children’s Mother and I couldn’t change my children’s Mother for another Mother. Mothers and Fathers, do you love your children and God?


Science, your scissors are still sharp, but you will not succeed to cut off, and put an end, to the two ends.


People, we should be very happy. We can still love God.


People, what can we still do without God and His Nature? We can still spit up in the air!


Parents, always make sure that in your home and school, your children learn about one of the most important subjects – Who is Nature and What is Nature.


Bad people are punished only twice.


Secret is my luck.


Time and Nature cannot forgive.


Thank you God for those who cannot see; they are not lost.


If you would like to fight an enemy and win, fight with love.


This world needs only two steps of life  – one is love and the other is a strong, unbreakable law.


What is the difference between our law and God’s law? God’s law was made with strong love.


What will be the difference between us and the new world? A strong law and less work.


World, this is NOT the food Nature cooked and prepared for us.


Healthy food is the best possible diet and the best exercise for the mind, and for the mind’s body and heart.


I love Nature’s recipe. I eat everything and a lot. Thanks to God and Nature, I have never been ill.


Everything Nature is telling you, is not a lie.


I have never eaten a meal without having some vegetables and fruit. 


There will be no end, because what can be accomplished in twenty four hours will not be done in hundreds of years.


Technology, your legs are very tiny and your arms are too long. You have not yet acquainted yourself with the human mind. 21st century is, and it will be, a big creator, but it is, and it will be, a poor preventer.


Wisdom, I can see the TAIL is beginning to move.


What is the difference between advanced philosophy and some of our present life’s philosophy? The difference between the two is what could be between the head and the tail.


I love spring, advanced philosophy and a strong winter.


Every single time we finish playing a game with Nature, we can honestly say, “It was too early and too late.”


Wisdom, humans have created a tremendous speed, but there’s still one existing problem – we are unable to catch up to TIME.


Wisdom, when we catch up to Nature’s speed and time, we WILL BE great creators.


Nature, your life is as beautiful as it could be, and you always help me as much as you could. Nature, you and I, must always thank God for our beautiful life. If God’s Nature cannot help this world, noone will.


Science, Nature possesses the power to help the world, and Nature will use her own power to help the world.


Science, every child should learn at home and in school what a human mind is capable of doing.


What’s the difference between a poisonous snake and some human mind? The human mind can “bite” the entire world.


My love, Nature, I don’t know how far away we are from the moon, but I do know how far away we are from you.


21st Century, I can be as wrong as one day, but I cannot be as wrong as the entire week.


If man cannot help man, he will criticize and kill man, and so will Nature. It will criticize and kill him.


Doctors, teachers and leaders, if Nature cannot teach us, help us, and feed us, is your answer to this question the same as the time’s answer, and the answer of the present time?


Don’t speak of the future, speak about the present. The PRESENT WILL TALK about the FUTURE.


We were all created for one purpose – to live and to help each other.


Beautiful, innocent children, I don’t believe that God will punish me if I tell you that up to the age of seven, you should mainly occupy yourself by sleeping, resting, and playing with Nature’s body, heart and mind.


Wisdom, if I had the power, I would send all young, innocent children solely to the school of Nature where they wouldn’t be rushed to learn, but where they would “OPEN” THEIR EYES and MINDS, first.


Beautiful children, each and ever one of my written words is knocking, FOR YOU, on Nature’s everlasting life’s door. One day, I will not be here, but you must be winners. Winners never quit. Take over from where I left off, and carry on.


Wisdom, I am only a writer and I possess the knowledge to know that I cannot win, but I am positive that I can tell the world, “NATURE WILL WIN.” Nature, I see your most malicious power which you can possibly possess, followed by the mot beautiful days.


In this world, powerful, invisible visitors do exist.


Jealousy and hate were born on the same day. Hate was born without eyes, and jealousy with only one eye.


What does hate look like? It has a mind and a heart to destroy others and to destroy human sorrow and the world.