I would be a lucky writer, if I could say that everything we do was healthy and beautiful. We, could be a great generation. What God created, however, IS ALL healthy and beautiful, if we could learn how to find it, seize it, put it together and use it, daily. I wish that two people, black and white, could unify themselves as one color, in our minds, as well as in our hearts, but that is not the case. In too many ways, we are insulting God’s creations, as pollination and cross pollination occurs. We insult earth’s soil, Mothers and Fathers. We insult the power of black night and white day. We insult Mothers and Mother’s white milk, which always has, and always will, nourish this Nature and this world. Our president of the U. S., Mr. Barack Obama, is not black, and He is not white, but he is just like ME and YOU, a human being. World, if you believe in God and the power of His Nature, stop stealing and saying, “This is mine.” Stop lying, stop destroying Mother earth and genes of the unborn children, wisdom’s wounded genes. I am a writer who has many wishes, and I am someone who can see the possibility of the future’s existing life’s dreams. World, I am leaving you where you can’t leave me. Two can make one, ONE made it all.
America, when I was seven years old you were my first girlfriend, and I still love you.
America, I was so happy you were never married or divorced.
America, I was born in a small, lonely town of St. Ivan where our church bell rang twice a day, but the words “bread, God and America” rang ALL DAY LONG.
America, when I was a young boy I had a hobby of feeding animals and birds and very often I had to tell them, “There is no more food.” I promised them that America will send us some food. My beautiful girl, my dream, always came true.
America, I waited for Santa Claus 365 days of the year, and I always asked my Mother, “Where does Santa Claus live?” She always replied,” “In America.”
America, my Mother had patience of a saint. She always told me, “Can you please stop asking me so many questions?” I remember one of the questions I asked her was, “Who is God and where does God live?” She answered me, “God is God, and God lives in America.” Her answer was not a lie.
America, when I was a very young boy, I never saw and I never played with toys. What I do remember, and can still taste, is the fresh taste of a Hershey’s chocolate kiss, sent to me from America. It’s a “taste” which I will take with me to the grave.
America, when I was little, I often wore clothes that the American Santa Claus sent me. I can still remember, how everything was so large on me. This made me extremely happy because I could wear it for many years to come.
America, I used to ask my Mother, “How many Santa Clauses live in America?” She always told me, “One!” “God rest her soul in an American grave; she did not tell me a lie!”
America, I remember IT so well and, yet, it was a day so very long ago. I dressed myself in some clothing that was sent to me by my American Santa. I then filled up both of my pocket pants with hay, and I stuffed my big hat with hay, as well. I took a walk to my old friend, Anton’s house, who did not love America. As I knocked on his door, I could hear him saying from inside, “Who is it?” I replied, “An American.” As I stepped in and over the doorstep he asked me, “What is that, you have in your pockets and hat?” I told him, “Lots of money in my pockets, and a big brain in my hat.”
America, my beautiful and good aunt, Jean Fanuka, mailed my family a package in 1947, and inside, I found a picture postcard of N. Y. City which had many stars and streetlights. As I sat on my windowsill wearing a huge hat, and a huge American-made suit, I held that postcard and I looked up at our sky and counted the stars. I fell asleep and found myself falling down on the terrace. This truly was, and still is, a beautiful and a well cherished memory of my childhood. For close to five decades, as I drive over the 59th Street Bridge, and I look up at the skyline of N. Y. C., I am still deeply touched by beautiful America and the beautiful N. Y. C.
America, “my beautiful girl,” as I was growing up, you were always on my mind. I always asked myself and wondered, “What kind of a wife and a Mother would you be, and what kind of a Mother and a Father brought you up?” “Who brought you up?” “They were two parents, hard working parents, who had a strong mind and a strong heart.” They were Americans, and they were those who were proud to be called, “Americans.”
America, a beautiful girl, as I was growing up, I tried to analyze your mind. You were single and were not ever ready to marry anyone. You were not only on my mind, but you were all over the sky. You loved this world and you still do. Take my word, “The world loves you, as well.”
America, a beautiful girl, don’t ever be sorry. This world has been married and divorced so many times. You were not. This world has changed. You have not. America, if you get married, the world will get divorced. The world, as well as the young children, will suffer. The world will miss you, and they will not be able to “buy the truth.”
America, my beautiful girl, I am getting old, and so are those who have loved you for so many years. America, you will die where you were born, in our eyes, minds and hearts, and forever, you will live with us. The truth will grow, and the new world will “read” our old truth and minds. Thousands of years from now, America, a beautiful girl, your life’s beauty will not be lost. However, in the meantime, some of the world would slowly like to change your attire, your beauty, and your mind. They would like to alter, YOU, the WORLD’S HEART. World, if America is unable to help you, you will not be able to help yourself. World, by helping America, you will be helping yourself! America’s wisdom, America’s senators, Democrats and Republicans, a small healthy fight has to create a healthy life’s balance, as it traditionally did, in the past. America, as well as the world, are facing bad times. America’s senators, please stay close together like a hardwood floor. America, my beautiful girl, don’t ever get married, because there is no existing country that hasn’t had a divorce, or is fighting for a divorce. A beautiful land, a beautiful country, beautiful flowers, I LOVE YOU ALL.
A secret is a deep love, a beautiful silence. A stone doesn’t speak.
Future, you will be able to tell what the past couldn’t tell some of us.
Something must be very wrong with our life’s law. The more bad things happen, the more jails we build.
Much time is spent on discussing gun laws.
Guns have their own laws, WE do not.
Parents, what IS most essential for your young child up to age seven is the time you spend with your child, healthy nutrition, freedom, playtime, rest and sleep.
Some children who never play, will miss the freedom and the “sweet” time, throughout their whole life, and some will miss, not knowing what they missed.
WISDOM, if I cold destroy money, I am pretty sure I could help to save this world.
I have never found a better friend than the day I discovered a sincere friend, my dog.
I grew up with a minute hope which has never stopped growing.
NATURE, God is not happy with what has been happening to you.
God, please help the blind, and all those who cannot see.
Laws should have been made before the jails were ever build.
When people first began building jails, they began to live in a jail.
Many people don’t realize WHO and WHAT a coockoo bird is. A coockoo lays it’s eggs in someone else’s nest and then flies, away.
I have a strong belief that coockoo birds, termites and squirrels were created for one reason. They were created as an example of what WE should NOT do.
WISDOM, if healthy people could be fed, free of charge, they would become ill.
The way in which we presently live and think, will, in the near future, be the reason why we will encounter a difficulty in creating a lie.
WISDOM, people who always talk about “THEIR HISTORY,” normally, recreate that same history.
WISDOM, if someone were to ask me, “What is the best regime in the world?,” my answer would be, “I don’t know, but before you do find one, continue living in America!”
If you cannot get your Visa, to come to America, you might want to tell them that you are in a dire need of getting your teeth fixed.
There is no better game for the young children’s and the young people’s minds, than the game of chess.
WISDOM, I believe the best resume we can ever have is the resume of our own life.
If I had the ability to write like every other writer, I would just be ONE MORE WRITER.
LIFE EDUCATION, so far, the truth can be seen that the existing difference between the honeybees and termites is the exact difference between some of us, people.