Archive for ◊ December, 2008 ◊

• Monday, December 22nd, 2008


Throughout America’s Primary and Election days, women who couldn’t help women and the two women Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin, had a reason why they were unable to help. Not many, but some of them did begin to build their own future’s political nest and some of them who fell too early from their own life’s nest, nature’s nest, will be forgiven by God. At our present time, what has been considered “abnormal” in the past, has now turned to “normal, normal, natural days.” Throughout the Primary and the Election days, some very unhealthy life psychology and philosophy power was exposed, a power which never has, and never will help springtime, women and children. It is a power which cannot, and will not, help America and the world’s health and peace. I love America and the world, but there still remains one question, for this whole wide world, about the pretty much “predictable” 21st Century. It is not my intention to say, “We lost so much time,” but we have lost time. We lost what time has not lost. Good Americans, good Republicans and good Democrats as always, HOLD the life’s balance and STAND together, before you find yourselves drifting far apart. There’s one question and there’s one answer world, stand together!


My pencil, you are my love. You will “die” in my hands, small and hungry.


World, you don’t have anything to tell the moon, so please, before you know how powerful and healthy life’s power between the moon and Nature is, leave the moon alone. Please, stop playing games with nature before “IT” happens.


Pencil and eraser, please trust me. No one ever has, or ever will, step over your power. Your future looks great.


Pencil and eraser, I still have dreams about you and my elementary school. Pencil, you were always big, but your eraser was very small.


Eraser, you are the wisdom. My word, “smart” I dedicate to you. How beautiful and healthy this world could be, if the “smart” words possessed your power.


World’s wisdom, if you could follow the life’s power of women and flies, you would be able to find a very old truth, a new world, as the new world will find.


WISDOM, eventhough I was not there, I still love the very old time’s psychology and philosophy and this beautiful woman’s earth’s soil, everlasting virginity. The days will come when the woman’s- the earth’s soil, will be touched at the right spot, at the right time, and just like a woman, it will bloom and blossom with its warm tears.


Eraser, when I was in elementary school, you were my best friend. You helped me so much. You were a great psychologist. If my teachers cold have helped me, as you did, I would still be going to school.


Throughout the days and the nights – God, Nature, the world’s children and America, are always on my mind. WORLD, at our present time, we live and face a very serious time – a political and a Nature’s power. This world needs America as much as every one of us needs our heart.


In this world, one family of PEOPLE exists. A country can destroy a country. America, beware! A family can destroy a country and countries.


Truth, balance is a healthy life and it is the life’s law. A good American, a good Republican and a good Democrat have not yet lost their balance. The word “CHANGE” and “Changes” have an unpredictable power. This world has changed many times. Thank God and the great American people that America has not yet changed. America cannot go to sleep, before the world falls asleep and rests. However, America must wake up a bit earlier than the rest of the world.


To always take and not give is a form of robbery. People, we have robbed Nature, and, therefore, we robbed ourselves.


• Tuesday, December 02nd, 2008


This world is one heart.


The sparrow is the world’s hero.


Nature is a teacher, a leader, a healer and a life’s diploma.


PARENTS, whenever you have, or can find some time, take your children to the School of Nature.


I dedicate this to YOU parents, for your children. I am a white day. I love all of you. Every morning I am waking you up. Some of you love me and some of you don’t. I am a dark night and I love you all, and I am telling all of you, “Don’t be too late. Wake Up! Go to work!”


Our mind is a food for our bodies and minds and it’s the best kind of nutrition that God could’ve possibly created for me, for you, and for you.


Parents, please teach your children how to work. WORK will teach them how to think and how to live.


Our life, just like a tree, has many roots. The name of the tips of the roots is, “THINK.”


If our life and Nature’s life cannot be connected, our life cannot be helped.


My teachers used to tell me, “READ, READ.” My parents told me, “WORK, WORK.” Work has taught me how to “read” the minds of nature and people.


What is the reason why some of our minds try to play life’s games with God and His Nature’s power?


We are free and enjoy being free from freedom. Our life’s philosophy has been dying for too long.


I see new days and new philosophy which will allow God to rest. It’s a philosophy which will work and walk very closely with Nature, God’s creation.


WISDOM, man is a hunter and a provider. When God created man, he created a man and a half. One half was to always remain at home and never leave his love alone, love, his children and his Wife.


Good people, don’t ever be afraid; you’re not walking alone. The end will be better than the past.


Eventhough love is an unbreakable power, Wisdom’s power supercedes love’s power.


I thank God and women for helping me “open my eyes.”


God didn’t sell us health. We always speak of health and we sell health. Why are we doing this, when health has no price?


Health and happiness possess a power like a sunny day.


The truth is quiet. The lie is extremely loud.


We cannot help the day, but we can learn from the day, and one day can help us, every day.


If we could possibly teach a day how to live, there would be no days.


If, for example, too early were not too late, technology would be able to help a woman to turn nine months into a day.


If the day alterted its schedule, the night would not be able to sleep.


I believe that before God created man, woman was on His, and in His mind.


One woman is able to do and say what half of the world cannot.


Power which was created by God cannot be changed. It must be respected, but not more or less.


Pollination is suffering. Human mind changed Nature’s mind and heart. Numbers from one to nine are suffering. Zero is not a number.


Psychology and philosophy are one warm piece of bread before it gets cold.


Overheated food is not a healthy food.


Why does a night exist when our days are too short?


The daylight works on the outside. The shadow works on the inside.


A simple good life, without any psychology and philosophy, possesses the power like the day without the wind and the clouds.


The top will hit the bottom, but not the ends.


World, take and don’t’ leave what you’ll need for tomorrow.
