• Thursday, October 30th, 2008


I am a grateful to the wisdom of the beautiful people who are helping me to spread and plant my seeds in this magnificent garden of ours.


Wisdom is an everlasting flower possessing thousands of different kinds of seeds.


WISDOM, 21st century will leave behind an undecomposed history, and many dormant wisdom seeds.


I wonder what do Nature and Work think about our psychology and life’s philosophy.


This world is curious to know what is the future’s prediction. I have trust in our truth’s and time’s prediction.


First step can predict what the last step cannot.


There are many predications in the 21st century which we cannot stop planting.


My love, you were stronger than my prediction.

GLOBAL WARMING, what we could’ve done WITHOUT money, we will not do WITH money.


HEALTH, you cannot succeed exercising your body before you exercise your own mind.


WISDOM of Black, White, Yellow and Red, this is how we must live. Everyday is self employed and helps another day.


WISDOM, our tow hands have never fought because each hand works for itself, helps each other, helps one body, just as we can help one body, the beautiful God’s world.


WISDOM, work overpowers the wisdom power.


WISDOM, My FRIEND, WORK, your philosophy is the best of the best. In many ways I am very sorry for why I write about life’s philosophy.


TRUTH, who is your psychologist?


WISDOM, wait. Psychologists are extremely busy. Life’s philosophy is dying.


YOUNG WISDOM, YOUNG PHILOSOPHY, if you’d like to learn about the healthy life’s philosophy and psychology, talk to Nature and bring Nature to your school every single day.


WISDOM, my brothers and sisters, it is not too early to tell you, I, too, have one good sister.


The earth’s soil will tremble, long deep rivers will grow, curses will drown, and as always, the sun will rise just on time.


Donkeys and cows will open the new world’s doors and they’ll keep them open for a long time.


Brothers and sisters, let’s live and pray and let the live pray remain behind our days.


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