Archive for ◊ October, 2008 ◊

• Thursday, October 30th, 2008


I am a grateful to the wisdom of the beautiful people who are helping me to spread and plant my seeds in this magnificent garden of ours.


Wisdom is an everlasting flower possessing thousands of different kinds of seeds.


WISDOM, 21st century will leave behind an undecomposed history, and many dormant wisdom seeds.


I wonder what do Nature and Work think about our psychology and life’s philosophy.


This world is curious to know what is the future’s prediction. I have trust in our truth’s and time’s prediction.


First step can predict what the last step cannot.


There are many predications in the 21st century which we cannot stop planting.


My love, you were stronger than my prediction.

GLOBAL WARMING, what we could’ve done WITHOUT money, we will not do WITH money.


HEALTH, you cannot succeed exercising your body before you exercise your own mind.


WISDOM of Black, White, Yellow and Red, this is how we must live. Everyday is self employed and helps another day.


WISDOM, our tow hands have never fought because each hand works for itself, helps each other, helps one body, just as we can help one body, the beautiful God’s world.


WISDOM, work overpowers the wisdom power.


WISDOM, My FRIEND, WORK, your philosophy is the best of the best. In many ways I am very sorry for why I write about life’s philosophy.


TRUTH, who is your psychologist?


WISDOM, wait. Psychologists are extremely busy. Life’s philosophy is dying.


YOUNG WISDOM, YOUNG PHILOSOPHY, if you’d like to learn about the healthy life’s philosophy and psychology, talk to Nature and bring Nature to your school every single day.


WISDOM, my brothers and sisters, it is not too early to tell you, I, too, have one good sister.


The earth’s soil will tremble, long deep rivers will grow, curses will drown, and as always, the sun will rise just on time.


Donkeys and cows will open the new world’s doors and they’ll keep them open for a long time.


Brothers and sisters, let’s live and pray and let the live pray remain behind our days.


• Wednesday, October 29th, 2008


This is dedicated to the American people, the Democratic and the Republican party, 2008’s Election Day, and every newspaper and magazine. I WAS “THERE” and ended up in America. I tasted and passed through the needle’s eye. I tasted the regime, the political party and the pressure. American people and the world, if you like to live a peaceful and a beautiful, healthy life, plug up both of your ears. Follow each days daylight, from sunrise to sunset. Work, and your life will definitely be helped, and you will be able to help those who are unable to work. Please help the lazy and those who dislike and don’t want to work – DON’T help them! Before I go to my final resting place, I’d like to see my everlasting dream playing on a big screen titled, “Work and America, ONE Beautiful Regime.” Hollywood movie makers, I can help you. I have a few titles which resemble and taste like my writing. You can teach me and I will teach you.

• Thursday, October 23rd, 2008


Women, stop feeding the devil and those who don’t possess a realization that you are the mothers of the world.


LIFE, just like the new grass, new wisdom, and new wisdom seeds will grow.


Work and America were blessed only once.


America, you need a good watchdog. A dog is a dog, but please don’t buy a puppy, buy a dog.


Americans, our life and our country is like a roof. One water drop, one leak- drop by drop, can change a huge roof.


Too many American-born young Americans, America has fed TOO WELL. It is now extremely difficult, for some of them, to understand and follow some of the world’s philosophy and psychology.


So far, America has been fortunate. Riches have been created and preserved.


America’s riches, if America allows it, can be changed and consumed, but they will not be long lasting. And, I, you, and you, will all be very poor.


WORLD, our best friend, our teacher and our leader is WORK.


LIFE is law. Honeybees and ants live a healthy, beautiful, peaceful life. Why?




For me, sitting all day, is the same as sitting on my grave.


What is the difference between Life and Death? When we die, we will not be able to lie.


The raven raised his voice, “America’s 2008 Election Day’s, big hope created big hate.”


ONLY WISDOM and WORK can help America and the world.


World’s Wisdom worries about America’s 2008 Election Day, and the changes it will bring.


Wisdom never sits and gets very little sleep.


People who fly very low, normally, do not fall.


TALK has not yet completed its task.


21st century’s wisdom and WORK are sufferring.


How can I walk away from America? Where would I go?


We basically live for our consumptions and our excretions.


We pretend to be big, smart and powerful, yet, a small toilet bowl controls us, daily, and we can’t say “No”!


If America and the world open their doors, America would become ONE big world.


Black and white, alike, why do we hate and fight one another? We cannot change the Night and the Day, but we can, and we must, help each other, just as the Day and the Night help one another.


God is not self employed. He is helping us ALL.


Colorful world, we are all self employed. We don’t have to work for each other, but our good life’s law and our friend, WORK, is asking us to respect and help each other.


WORLD, LIFE PSYCHOLOGY and PHILOSOPHY, when Nature is in trouble how can our wisdom not be in trouble?


Riches grow from very small and simple things.


Where God does NOT step, riches do not grow.


The World is unaware of how much the world is searching for God.


The World is searching for God’s power, earth’s soil and women’s power.


This world is not yet, completely lost.


This world is still playing games with NATURE, like a seven month old mouse plays with a seven year old cat.


If you are unable to interpret the mind of the four seasons, you will not be able to “read” my philosophy’s mind.


NATURE is winning. What are we going to do? When Nature wins, we should NOT LOSE. I have a strong belief in God and LIFE. The four seasons do not lie. The worst will come to an end, and it will not be late. Riches grow from very small things.



• Monday, October 13th, 2008


                It’s not too early. America and the World, please wake up! Sara Palin is not a barracuda. She is a wise and a highly intelligent, beautiful human being, but she will fight like a barracuda, on dry land, against every world’s shark, before America has to raise its white flag, and before the world loses its last piece that it still has. Sara Palin did not remind the world too early about, “never again” and “genocide”. It is very sad that the “life’s uneducated” world is unable to see what the world is preparing for its main dish. WISDOM, the weather cannot be avoided, but every war could be avoided, and W. W. III could be prevented. WHY NOT? I was born during W. W. II too early, too late. God, please help all Muslim countries and Israel. God, please help the ants and every human being in this world to coexist in peace and harmony.

                I remember the early years of my life when my father used to teach me how to count and how to make the steps_ 1, 2, 3 … 1, 2, 3, and then all of a sudden he disappeared. He went to fight against one man’s war, ADOLPH HITLER’S WAR. I was only seven when he returned home from W. W. II. and I remember asking him, “Dad, did the war end?” He couldn’t lift his eyes from me when he finally answered, “I don’t know.” Not before too long I asked my father, “Do you remember how you taught me to count and make the steps_ 1, 2, 3 … 1, 2, 3, ?” He made a sign of the cross and said, “God, prevent us from W. W. III.” That was the day when I saw my father, for the first time, break down with tears. There are three classes of people who exist in this world – the rich, the middle class and the poor, and then, there are those who have very little love for labor, yet, they must, and they need to be fed. These people have a difficulty being pleased by any system. They’re unpredictable just like the weather.

                AMERICA IS OUR beautiful weather throughout the four seasons of the year. Thank you world, and thanks to some American psychologists and philosophers, but I could not, the world could not, and will not, be able to find better “weather” than America’s beautiful “weather” Young Americans, it is not too early! Build a strong step before it’s too late. This world is facing a bad world, the daily, “uneducated” life’s education. 21st century’s wisdom and labor is in deep trouble. “Drill baby,” your own land, could help to hold the trigger back from the other side. It doesn’t matter where the oil is drilled. People of one God, are suffering, directly and indirectly. Mother, the earth soil’s face, mind, lungs and heart are hurting. All Nature of this wide world is suffering. WISDOM, BOTTOM and TOP LIFE PHILOSOPHY, how do we live and think? Where, and how, can we build a healthy life’s economy? At our present time, OIL possesses a power which is mightier than the power of water and fire. The moon is not “dead.” The moon, the sun the sky and innumerable water drops, Nature, is telling us that we can do better than drill the earth soil’s face, mind, lungs and heart. How different could some of our minds and lips be from that of a great teacher, psychologist and a life’s philosopher, Pope John Paul II. He always used to kiss Mother earth’s soil’s face. Do some of us know, why we don’t “kiss” the earth’s soil. Some of us just enjoy eating and spitting through our lips on the face of our earth’s soil and on our own minds. Young world, young Americans, believe in WORK, believe in God, respect, and love. You will be helped and saved.

                America and the World, I hope I have not gone too far from our Mother earth’s soil and America’ 2008 election day. The presidential debate was a beautiful debate between a woman and a man, a Mother and a Father, and it is a great new history which will leave behind a deep mark, the kind that ink leaves on a white pine. I hope that a new history and a new future will come like the old days, and the old school, when children were holding their mother’s and their father’s hand.

                A woman, Hillary Clinton, a Mother and a wife, knocked on the doors and opened the doors for other women. A man, John McCain, let a woman in and it’s a huge step for the American women and all women of the world. Why? It is simply because America is one huge heart of the world. A woman, a wife, and a Mother , Sara Palin , made a step over the American door step, with one face, one heart, and one mind, a mind without any make up. She’s a beautiful face, a beautiful mind, and a beautiful woman who has beautiful speaking lips. Up to now, I haven’t practiced my right to vote, but I was so happy to have voted for a woman, a wife, and a Mother, Hillary Clinton. However, some people said that she was not strong, because she cried. America and the world, psychologist and philosophers, Hillary Clinton’s tears were warm and very rich. God forgive those who criticized her tears. Their criticism was a hook for the rich, the middle class and the poor fish. Now, some people compare Sara Palin to a barracuda. In thousands of different ways, life will not be able to forgive us. God, will you forgive us?

                How beautiful and how very powerful God’s creations are! The deaf never lost their natural instincts and each of us has, not one, but two healthy ears, two entrances and one exit. Our mind is that one exit. Pure life and truth have never confused me. I am married and I was prepared to be married without asking my wife any questions before and now, because without her own knowledge, she told me, and she answered all my questions. This is how you fight an enemy and a war. Today, and I mean today, for sure, I’d like to give my country of Croatia, to the strong beautiful America, and today, tomorrow, as well as the day after tomorrow, I would give my own children and the children of the world to hold Mr. McCain’s and Sara Palin’s hand.


YOUNG PEOPLE, history must have its time to ripen just like a fruit, and the spilled water which dries. No matter what it is, or what you do, without God’s power, woman, and woman’s – Mother earth’s soil, there will not be a debate or an election. Life’s healthy peace will not be found and wars will not come to an end. An immesurable power of women, a woman’s – Mother earth’s, soil, will end the wars, and create a long lasting and a healthy life’s peace.


Our beautiful color has never harmed us, but some of our “ugly” wisdom has hurt us all.

• Friday, October 10th, 2008


WISDOM, beautiful Nature, your beauty is God’s wisdom.


WISDOM, silence and a stone possess an immeasurable power of wisdom.


WISDOM, I can see what I am looking at, but I am unable to see the end.


WISDOM, in March, when snow covers the ground and the raindrops are falling, my wisdom seeds are growing.


WISDOM, the devil always likes to eat the same food, and he daily loves to have three fresh meals.


WISDOM, you are losing your balance, just as our Nature is losing its balance, but Nature will help you, to help and heal this world.


WISDOM, why do children love to hide, search and wait for the truth?


WISDOM, what can happen in two seconds, will not happen in thousands of years. In two seconds, this world can live in peace.


WISDOM, please tell me, if for you, I’m planting my wisdom seeds too closely. I can plant them far apart, as well.


WISDOM, what is impossible for us, WILL be possible for the NEW WORLD.


YOUNG WISDOM, there is no better existing wisdom than the wisdom which is found in the four seasons of the year. Each night, and each day help life and death.


WISDOM, always simply smile, just like the early’s sunrise, and sometimes laugh just like a good summer, laughs.


Wisdom is always prepared to smile, but not laugh.


WISDOM, there is no healthier food than WISDOM of LIFE.


God’s wisdom, YOU ARE the beautiful NATURE.


NATURE’S wisdom and power, possesses the power, and supercedes the power of technology’s wisdom and power.


WISDOM, our pigment has never, and will never, punish us, but our wisdom HAS and COULD punish us all.


Our wisdom is turning into hate. Hate is a pressure, and pressure must talk and laugh excessively.



LIFE’S WISDOM and HONESTY, I strongly believe I have discovered an everlasting flower.


WISDOM,  I am aware of the fact that at times, I plant my wisdom seeds very close to each other, all in a single row. It shouldn’t be too difficult to gather them.


WISDOM, what difference is there between a jack rabbit and a good politician? The jack rabbit has four legs and it leaves only three footprints on the fresh snow.


WISDOM, air was created before wisdom to help create our wisdom. We are creating the power, which enables the air to destroy our wisdom.


LIFE, what is the difference between beauty and health? The difference is the same as the difference which exists between SILENCE and WISDOM.


Parents and teachers, please teach your children, at the RIGHT TIME, how to plant and grow the wisdom seeds.


WISDOM is as huge as this world and it can rent the tiniest space that’s possible to inhabit. If you have a difficulty believing this, the survivors of W. W. II can still tell this world the truth.


Wisdom is life. Wisdom is freedom. Wisdom is love. Wisdom is bread. Those who love and pray for love, WISDOM, love will come.


World’s wisdom is the sole power which can save the “live” numbers. World, let us, ALL TOGETHER, pray, plant and grow the wisdom seeds, TOGETHER!


2008’s AMERICA’S stock market went down. Some of us, the poor, didn’t lose any money, but no matter what, this is a good time for us, the poor, to pray for the rich.


Colorful world, if our wisdom were to be as beautiful as our pigmentation, this world would be a peaceful, fortunate world.
