• Friday, July 11th, 2008


Jesus left his cross. 


If marriage cannot be captured by the words, “love and respect,” then, it’s not a marriage, it’s a business.


How beautiful are the minds of young children! They are just like spring.


If you have respect solely for yourself, remain poor and don’t get married.


Health, I can still remember the days when most people were thin and they complained about it. Now, most of us are fatter and we are still complaining. What is it that we need?


Healthy life’s philosophy, how will this world understand NATURE?


America must do very well for itself. If America doesn’t do very well, America will do very poorly in this world.


When NATURE loses its balance human minds shrink, and stomachs expand.


God is the greatest artist above all others. I am a color-blind writer. When I mix all colors together, they are one. God, your art is beautiful. 


When my friends speak to me, I “listen to their eyes.”


We are fighting far away countries, but we are wrong. Our enemies are not far away.


We can live the life of the birds and feed them. Why not?


Young people, always keep in mind that age and experience cannot be created quickly.


Time will tell the substance of my philosophy.


When life’s balance is regained, laziness will die, people will shed weight, and wildlife will have an abundance of food. 


Every one of us is a creator of our own minds and words. Nature helped me to create both.


What is a sin? Our life has totally been created by love.


If this world were not dieting, it would be healthy and thin.


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