Earth’s soil and woman’s breasts are a God’s gift, a gift for every child and his world. “Nothing” does not exist, but if it did exist, it existed before God created in his mind, the earth’s soil and the woman’s two breasts. I am not asking the blind and the deaf who will be able to hear and see, I am asking the deaf and the blind who are not, at our present time, able to see and hear, “What happened to the earth’s soil and to the woman’s two breasts and why is it happening?” If it is a bad year, we’ll live with a hope that next year will be a better year. If two breasts are both removed, beautiful child, a piece of our world, what then, is your hope? Cancer, a power higher than that of the devil’s power, is destroying one earth’s soil and the two breasts of a woman. It is destroying the world, our God’s gift. This world is younger than love. Love possesses the power which is mightier than the devil’s power. We cannot dedicate and give this world, our beautiful God’s gift, earth’s soil, women, children and man, to the devil. A very unhappy devil could take what existed before the earth’s soil and the woman’s breasts. Deaf and blind, please give the world a hand and take us home, today, before it gets too dark.
A bad teacher is a very expensive life’s teacher.
What the OLD once believed, the new world still needs to discover.
NATURE, I will not be here, so I forgive you in advance.IT will not be your revenge, IT will just be your truth.
America, Mother Nature is telling us that we were the FIRST, but we will not be the last.
This is dedicated to the parents of the world. Why do children love Nature? It is because children possess the desire to learn. Nature doesn’t possess any kind of pressure. It possesses freedom and children love freedom. Freedom can help children how to learn, write, read and spell, not only the letters, but also Nature’s and human’s mind.
Look at this and how beautiful, wise and smart it is! The cucumber plants climb the fence and follow the daylight.
Our life is created just like the life of the four seasons. We can slice our life into as many desired pieces as we wish, but the huge possibility is that we will never put them together again.
I worked when I was seven years old. I was self employed.
When God was thinking about parents, I think he was thinking much more about teachers. Good parents cannot be paid, but good teachers should be paid very well.
Life forgave me, but not for everything!
No one will witness the end of the world, but the present time is telling us what the future time doesn’t have to tell us.
Only life’s education and the healthy tough law can replace the guns from our streets.
“Sun dries,” is only one of the truths because at the same time it is helping and creating many lives.
Nature is curious to know, “What do people read? People who read a lot, can also forget a lot.”
Nature, I am not intelligent enough to tell you at the present time, so please tell me, “Who can help our teachers and our children?”
Life is like a food. What could be the difference between good parents and a good cook? Not much! Good parents normally come from their “good parents’ tastes” and a person who likes to be a good cook, must first have a “taste of the good, tasty food.”
Our life could be like many things. At our present time our life is like the flu. We are all, pretty much, suffering together. Some of us are aware of it, some are not, but all of us are searching for the life’s exit, and there is no other life’s exit, no matter how far it is; the exit is the daily life’s education. The question is, “Can we get there?”
If you are a someone, I am a no one, so speed up. I write for no money and you can help the world and me and make good money.
It is sad, that what could be, it is NOT!
People who can solely be helped by money, are unable to help themselves, or you.
Whenever I speak to Nature I feel blessed. Very often when I converse with some people, I feel guilty and want to run away from myself.
Someone was, and is, very wrong who decided that man can feed the forest. It will not be achieved. We can help the forest, to feed us!
This world is younger than love.
Love, which money cannot buy, is still turning this world around.
Every woman is a different flower, a different shade and a different taste.
What could it be that a woman and the sun cannot reach?
aI wonder, if this world were to “turn around,” where would I then, stand?
Adam and Eve, Adam, there’s always a question that remains on my mind.
Life’s philosophy, I wonder, “Has the earth’s soil become autistic? Earth’s soil stopped speaking and it cannot tell us what is wrong with our food.”
This world cannot be destroyed without money.
Nature cannot, and will not, accept what doesn’t belong to Nature and God.
Children and flowers are beautiful God’s art.
Raindrops possess the same power as our words. How can I write about life and not repeat my words, over and over again?
Health, there’s no one who can speed up like the power of pure Nature and the minds of the very young children.
Money is money. Money doesn’t change money, it changes our life.
Healthy life, earth’s soil and the sky are asking us to celebrate freedom with beautiful, healthy words and not fireworks.
The sky is the world’s flag, above all others, and it should be very much respected.
Everywhere where there’s air, there’s space for the human mind and our prayers.
There is no other freedom. This world should be free.
Life is like a live tree, but it could also be like a dead tree. We can cut a tree into many pieces, the same way as our life.
21st century’sbig power, can’t you see that the “small” is climbing over you.
Earth’s soil is losing everything but not its mind.
We will pay God and his Nature’s law, but we will not change it.
In our lifetime we are facing two life’s exits, YES and NO. When you get there, don’t rush, and think about it before you pass through.
What is the difference between Nature’s power and human power? Nature is searching for its life’s balance, and what are we searching for?
No matter what kind of work it is, it is life’s education.
All Nature cries. Some cry with tears, some with their minds, and some cry inside their own hearts.
Time will change human mind.
If you are missing something, it could be love.
History, so far, we have always celebrated freedom at one end. Soon enough, we could celebrate freedom, from Nature, at both ends.
This is an old message for the new world. If I could win, I would play a game with Nature, but I love Nature and must play with some human minds, FOR NATURE. No matter what, I promised Nature, that we would win. FUTURE, I am very sorry, but Nature and I WILL win, not only once, but many times.
If we could understand our children’s needs, we would be a healthy, fortunate world.
We are looking up, but not high enough.
If the rich knew the sweet taste of the dry bread crumbs, they would always be rich.
When all the trees become the same height, there will be no existence of the poor.
I love the rich people. What can the poor give to the poor?
The sun and the sky, water and the earth’s soil, possess the power to heal our genes.
It is done and I noted it on my old calendar. In 2008 beautiful America’s “poor people and the poor” in the short and the very long run, made a wrong turn.
What could be the difference between the two minds – the poor and the unripe? There’s no difference.
Normally, when there are three people, from one of them, you will discover the truth.
World, write it down, “Everything is here. We are just missing some of the questions.”
The world is tired. Can it rest?
Truth is powerful and big, so is Google and The World News.
What is the difference between us, humans, and the flies? Flies love us, and they know our secrets. I am telling you world, we don’t know theirs.
When it comes to life, love, and hate, for me, the “silly taste” is the worst taste.
Hollywood, can you try to help? Try to help what the rest of the world cannot.
Warm air always rises up. I wonder how we will get along together, in heaven.
Too many of us are real and we know how not to help ourselves.
Black, white, yellow and red people who hate, we will face God one day. What will we tell God?
Time, thank you for sharing your time with me. From the very early years of my life I have always attempted to do my best. Each day I tried to put together “beautiful and short.” “Beautiful” is mine and I’ll take it with me. “Short” I will leave you, world.
You have to be very cautious what you might like.
World life philosophy, you can succeed if you can teach the young people daily, how to put together “beautiful and short.”
No matter what it is, the word, “prevent” is the life’s key.
In the 21st century many wisdom seeds exist. Don’t lose time planting all of them. They will not grow.
On each election day, one should not forget the Mother and the Father earth soil, women and children – the top life’s economy.
World’s big mind, speed up. Some of you haven’t asked Nature how to speed up, and Nature will not ask anyone of us, how to speed up. World, I hope you know we are far from freedom and health.
God could not have created lie and truth.
Nature’s balance is God’s and Nature’s law.
I love writing philosophy because I love Nature and Nature’s mind.
We should pray to God everyday for earth’s soil and our farmers.
This is it! What is the difference between Nature’s law and the human law? We build jails, but Nature can turn the whole wide world into one jail.
I dedicate this to my native country of Croatia. I used to know three brothers – a farmer, a politician and a lawyer who lived a happy life together. When the farmer died, the other two brothers could not live together.
If marriage cannot be captured by the words, “love and respect,” then, it’s not a marriage, it’s a business.
How beautiful are the minds of young children! They are just like spring.
If you have respect solely for yourself, remain poor and don’t get married.
Health, I can still remember the days when most people were thin and they complained about it. Now, most of us are fatter and we are still complaining. What is it that we need?
Healthy life’s philosophy, how will this world understand NATURE?
America must do very well for itself. If America doesn’t do very well, America will do very poorly in this world.
When NATURE loses its balance human minds shrink, and stomachs expand.
God is the greatest artist above all others. I am a color-blind writer. When I mix all colors together, they are one. God, your art is beautiful.
When my friends speak to me, I “listen to their eyes.”
We are fighting far away countries, but we are wrong. Our enemies are not far away.
We can live the life of the birds and feed them. Why not?
Young people, always keep in mind that age and experience cannot be created quickly.
Time will tell the substance of my philosophy.
When life’s balance is regained, laziness will die, people will shed weight, and wildlife will have an abundance of food.
Every one of us is a creator of our own minds and words. Nature helped me to create both.
What is a sin? Our life has totally been created by love.
If this world were not dieting, it would be healthy and thin.