My love, beautiful America, our life’s philosophy is dying, physically and mathematically.
All people of the world, we left our native country in search of a healthy life’s nutrition and came to America. We, and America, where can we go, now?
What is IT that doesn’t belong to this world. A new generation will be born who will search for IT.
Chickens and eggs are “telling” us, people, that in our daily life’s education we are losing “big, predictable time.”
If I were forced to write in a way in which Nature had not taught me, all of the world’s trees would have to be cut down, and I would still not have enough paper.
Young people, where there is no God, there is a devil, and where there are no cats, there are mice.
Beautiful Nature, new nights and new days arw waiting “behind my soul.” Beautiful Nature, my mind belongs to you, and, forever, will love you, help you, and stay with you. It is not easy for me to live, and it will not be easy for me to die, and leave you, Nature, as you are. A very bad time, and a very good time, is on its way, “behind my soul.”
I love the four seasons’ designs and its clothes, and I love the law of life which the eyes and the silks, do not have.
A goat is a goat, and whatever it eats, benefits its cheese, and whatever you put in the sack, you will find in the sack. A goat cannot convert a lie into a truth, and truth into a lie.
Too many of us, daily, create new history. We don’t know what the truth is and what the lie is. We are buying and buying, and we cannot stop.
We have created too many buttons and are now unable to button ourselves.
We are paying, and we will continue to pay huge taxes for our “uneducated” life’s causing wastes.
Honesty is an immeasurable power just like the droplets of water. How many water droplets can fall into one water drop?
Truth is in the air and many truths exist, the truths which are unable to find peace. They are at a loss, but they cannot get lost.
Rust is not God’s creation. Rust is Nature’s protection.
“Healthy” life’s law and “healthy” life’s education is the key of life, and it will be buried for many long years. It is a key which will not get lost.