• Wednesday, May 14th, 2008


People, don’t ever criticize the politicians. They are honest politicians.


There is no better life than the life of working and enjoying.


Think about it. A FEW, always were, and will be, left behind.


What is the difference between a human being and a dog? In three seconds, and six feet away, a dog recognizes his love, and a dog’s tail can quickly tell what a human mind for many long years, and, perhaps, a lifetime cannot.


If you ever buy a dog, it will be the only love in this world that money cannot buy.


Before we ask, “Where was God?” we should ask ourselves, “Where was our life’s education?”


Health, we forgot about tomorrow, and we created too much for today.


Man-made creations took a larger step than our minds. We can make use of plastic, but the earth’s soil and the sea cannot.


Once, my Mother told me, “I cooked the whole day, and all of it fell from my hands.” World, we cooked so much.


A little bit of money is a lot of money. America’s 2008 election, poor and rich, we can all be in trouble. Big money is willing to help us remain in trouble.


Thank God that nothing has hurt me in my lifetime, except my own mind.


When I converse with Nature, I always have a fear if it should ask me about our life’s questions.


This earth’s soil is facing the old world.


People who always complain are unaware of what they’re missing.


What God’s creation cannot give, the devil can.


I am not dead, but if the whole world knew how beautiful it is to die rich, I am sure we could all be rich, and die rich.


During our lifetime, from its beginning to the end, Nature’s richness and beauty were always ready to teach us all. We leaped over ALL Nature and our luck. We just jumped.


If you’d like to reach everything with the use of only one word, you can whisper, think, and scream the word, “God.”


Little people, only without the fighting can they win, and the big can live.


We need more paper. We don’t need more trees! Without the paper, what would we do with our minds?!


What is the difference between the two POOR? One of them doesn’t have the time to waste the time.


People who are always looking for something are missing something.


In the old days, poor people used to be thin and they worked a lot.


I wonder, what do the chickens and the eggs think about time, not our time, but the time which turns the four seasons of the year around? Can we catch up to time and meet it?


As I hold a mushroom in my hands, I can shut my eyes, but not my mind. I’m holding a mushroom which grew rapidly, just like our new history. I am unable to shut my mind off.


According to the laws of nature, parents have to follow the very young, and the young must learn to follow the old how to lead the world.


I cannot find any more. God gave us everything.


What cannot be done physically can be accomplished by our minds.


If we could think more, it would enable us to work less.


It’s very simple. We cannot help NATURE, and we cannot help ourselves, but we have to work more and pay high taxes.


What animals cannot do, humans do. Animals lost their life and power, and they cannot fertilize the earth’s soil. We are fertilizing the earth’s soil with our processed fertilizer and the poor animals’ blood. The earth’s soil is extremely unhappy and hungry, and it is asking us for more fresh blood, flesh and bones. Will we be able to say, “No”?


It cannot be done. Bread cannot be a waste. Some minds can be a big waste, a big waste, as big as big can be for the human eye not to be able to see.


Riches from this earth’s soil cannot be robbed, but they can be utilized.


I have to live in “my own world.” It promotes my happiness and my health.


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  1. 1

    Good post. I will be dealing with a few of these issues as well..

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