Archive for ◊ February, 2008 ◊

• Thursday, February 21st, 2008


She Can Laugh and Cry With Tears


                America, don’t be afraid, be happy. The teardrops always were, and still are, blessed. Mrs. Clinton’s tears proved to America and to the world, that her beautiful God’s gift hasn’t been lost. She is able to laugh and cry with tears, in a similar way that the early spring “cries its tears.” How healthy and beautiful this is, and believe me, it is very beautiful and healthy. If spring couldn’t cry with teardrops, the rest of the seasons would wilt and dry up. Nature would dry up. America, world, WE ARE NATURE, and our daily lives require the same pure healthy nature’s powers that the rest of the nature needs. Beautiful, colorful world, a spring without tears would stop nature’s respiration.

                I lived through the treacherous days of W. W. II at a time when YOU, more than half of our world’s beautiful people, weren’t born yet. I served a tough Communist army for two long years and I played with guns, bullets, bombs, mines and knives. Eventhough I was only a young boy in 1943, the daily pressures of W. W. II’s life, aided the development of my dreams and wishes, which would one day come true for you, beautiful children and for all of those children who should, and who will be born. 1943 was the beginning of my observations, bondings and playing with nature, the human mind, nature’s power and the human’s powers and weaknesses. It was a power which made me hard as a rock, and yet, soft as butter.

                My heart and my mind, so far, possess the same power as my two eyes. Mrs. Clinton’s tears made me cry. I can lie, we can all lie, but our tears cannot lie. We can pretend, but with extreme difficulty. I believe it is unhealthy when one laughs, or cries without any tears. Are some of our hearts  so dry? We lose facial beauty and beauty of our minds, if we don’t possess the power to laugh and cry, and I believe that the one best existing medicine in this world which can help both our faces and minds to be beautiful, is a medicine called, LOVE FOR OTHERS. God, as well as many of us, know that this world is extremely thirsty and dry. It needs love and peace. Mrs. Hillary Clinton’s warm heart and her beautiful mind proved to me, and I feel, to the world, that she has enough teardrops to feed America and the world with respect and love. Her heart is warm and it is not dry. Dry rivers, who couldn’t cry with tears? Did you ask Mrs. Clinton, where was her heart and mind, a mind that possesses the quickest speed God could’ve ever created? At that instant, when Mrs. Clinton’s tears broke through her eyes, I saw a beautiful Mother America with a large heart. I saw America’s children, mothers and fathers, as well as the children, mothers and fathers overseas, who were ALL waiting and crying out, for love and peace.

                I was THERE, and so were my Mother and my Father. We were THERE, and we waited and cried. We fed the earth’s beautiful soil with our tears. Dry rivers, can you tell the world, who couldn’t cry, and why? How weak, unhealthy and sad could some of us, and our life’s philosophy and psychology be? We may be laughing very loudly, but no one can hear us. Why is that? Perhaps, we should practice crying and praying for one another a little bit more? I feel it in my heart and I strongly believe that the power of pure Mother Nature is waking up, and that God and His nature, the earth’s soil, is unhappy about how it has been treated. The sun is crying, but it seems that by the time its teardrops reach the earth’s soil, they have lost some of their pureness, and they are not clean. If the power of pure nature cannot cross our roads, we, the people, will eventually destroy this beautiful, green garden.

                As I am busy writing, most often during the peaceful, deep dark nights, I find myself thinking about and observing the power of Mother Nature and the minds of our leaders. That’s when Pope John Paul the second, comes to my mind. I’d love to endorse his life’s philosophy and psychology to this beautiful, rich earth’s soil. His bottom life’s philosophy, day after day, reached the peak of the top life’s philosophy in a similar way in which each daylight reaches another new day, day after day. He was a great teacher, a great leader and one great human being. His touches, and imprints, his kneelings down and his kisses will forever nourish this earth’s beautiful soil. Pope John Paul was real. He lived with one heart and a beautiful mind, and I am certain he cried with real tears. He did not die with a “dry” heart.

                Beautiful Mother America, world, and its innocent children, let’s not be afraid. Let’s be happy. Mrs. Hillary Clinton cries with tears and her heart is not “dry.” The teardrops have always been, and still are, blessed.