Walking behind ALL
People, please don’t rush
Flying above the birds
Flying above the sky
The drops, the sun the moon the stars
Life’s drops are all mine.
Walking behind ALL
People, don’t be afraid
One drop, the earth’s soil holding in my hand
The soil is not dry
The sun is powerful and warm, as the child’s eyes
Without the moon, what the world can see will dry
Life’s drops are all mine.
Walking behind the Time, the line is long
How can the earth’s soil be dry
When women and children cry
Tear drops are falling down
And they all fall into one drop
The sun, the moon, and the stars
The life’s drops – are all mine.
Walking behind a long line
People, why are you walking away from your home
Please, don’t rush
Those walking sad and in fear
And walking last on line
They will be served first
One drop
The world is mine.
And that is the reason why this world is physically and mathematically suffering. Compared to the nine numbers, we created, and are creating, too many words. This earth’s soil and the sky is very rich, so why do we need so many words? Are we missing a number, a number from nine to ten? No, we are not. Number ONE, physically and mathematically, created numbers without a zero, but ends them with a zero, and without words. World, we are too soon, too early, adding too many zeroes behind one number, number ONE, and our health, and too many words behind too many lost lives. From nine to ten, we just need to stand behind the one number, number ONE. Why a zero? A zero was already added on. If we don’t stand behind number ONE, this world will physically, and mathematically collapse.
God is good
God respects and loves
All of his Nature the same
The power of Nature is telling us
“We trust God. We obey God’s laws
And work for God.
As Nature, we work together
For ourselves.”
God is as good as a good teacher
Children in a classroom
Will work with warmth in their heart
For a good teacher
First with their hearts
Then with their minds
We need good teachers
The same way as we need a good God
All Nature obeys God’s laws
And we need teachers who can obey Nature’s laws.
Let’s start to feed the devil with little
Let the devil suffer, but not die
We don’t need a perfect world
We need a better world
Let’s leave the heights of the mountains as they are
Let’s stay away from a perfect love
Pound for pound will be enough
Let the devil suffer, but not die.
God, please tell me what the world doesn’t want to know
Almighty, is it too late to ask?
We can help ourselves and Nature
By working together
For a good God
Together, for ourselves
We cannot work and live, as we live and work
One against all Nature
If we live, as we live, the devil will die.
All Nature obeys God’s laws
This world needs teachers who can obey Nature’s law
Who can teach children and tell the world
“God will not increase his power, for us
Over his Nature’s power,”
Let’s feed the devil with very little
Let the devil suffer
But don’t let him die from hunger.