Archive for ◊ August, 2006 ◊

• Thursday, August 31st, 2006


God is good, because no matter how rich or beautiful I may be, he is still my best friend. Short, quick thoughts, such as this one, have had a long, and sometimes, an everlasting influence on my life. I, therefore, decided to share some of them with you, so I sat down and started scribbling them on paper, one by one, as they popped into my mind. Before I knew it, I had approximately five hundred of these potent thoughts, or seeds, as I call them.

I am presently introducing of my SEEDS to you, and since I found them to be with me daily, causing a profound effect on my life, I named them, FOOD FOR THOUGHT – MY SEEDS of WISDOM.


For me, there is no better or healthier form of entertainment than the power of THINKING


Father almighty, what cannot be the truth?


2006’s life, health and its future days will ask us, NOT where were we, but WHERE ARE WE GOING?


Health must daily enter through the kitchen doorstep.


Education that lacks nature’s interference is the same as the child who has no parents.


No matter what it is that we are learning, we DO  learn, and WE WILL  make use of it.


If we were to conduct a study and have expectations of its positive, beneficial results, then we must rely on NATURE’S BALANCE as our stepping stone.


If GOD doesn’t exist, IF doesn’t exist.


What could happen to this world, if LIE did not exist? It will not happen!


I love to be criticized. That’s the time when I see you clearly, without my glasses.


“Money talks.” That’s very true. If you cannot talk, money has to talk for you.


Please help the lazy people. DON’T help them!


If you buy LOVE and WORDS, you shouldn’t claim them for yourself. Rightfully, they can’t be yours.


We can love one another, but we will not succeed to protect ourselves from each other.


If you can have it, WHO told you that I CANNOT!


No one will be able to fight off what the bare eyes are unable to see, but from the inevitable worst that will occur, nature will reap its benefits.


I believe that the odor of some herbs contains the natural power to destroy the enjoyment of some insects (without destroying any life) and, therefore, promotes the health of all living things on this earth.


World, how can one tell you, so that you may understand?


• Wednesday, August 16th, 2006


World, this is how we live. Nature, God’s creation is looking at our backs. Have you ever heard someone say, “What can I say?” This is this. This is how we live. What can we say? Two generations, worldwide, never did have and never did taste.
What can they say? It’s unforgivable what our heroes, our innocent young children, are faced with. WHAT CAN THEY SAY? I am addressing the following question to the world, non-believers of nature excluded, to the teachers, healers, life’s philosophers, writers, and to all people who can see and taste the power of God’s nature; leaders of the world I am leaving you, the best, for last, “WHAT CAN YOU TELL US, WHAT CAN ALL of US SAY?”