• Tuesday, October 18th, 2005



Rano je jutro. Zora me budi, a kapi rose pokrivaju moje srce. U boli, mraku i strahu, kao preplasena ptica lastavica tesko sam napustio svoje gnijezdo, svoj rodni dom. Duge su godine u tudini prosle, ali sni o tebi, Domovino, nikad proci nece. Sjecam se tvog izlaska sunca, brda, dolina i lijepog Jadranskog, plavog mora. Sjecam se starca, njegovih vinograda i maslinskih polja. Domovino, godine su prosle daleko od tebe, a ostale mi bolne uspomene. Rosno mi je srce, a vinogradi i masline sada suhi.
Kao dijete pitao sam baku sta pise na platnu iznad naseg kuhinjskog stola.

Procitala mi je ove rijeci: “Svagdje moze biti lijepo, ali srcu mom najljepsi je ipak moj rodeni dom.” Kroz to platno igla je prosla i zarezala konac u njegovo srce. Stoljecima po cijelom nas svijetu Hrvata ima. Igla je prosla kroz nase tijelo i zarezala konac u nasa srca. Platno na zidu bez rijeci, a nasa srca u jednoj bolnoj pjesmi, pjesmi bez rijeci. Rodna grudo, ljubav je teska bol koja rijeci nema. Ptice lastavice, recite, zasto ste napustile svoja gnijezda, svoj rodni dom?
Domovino, kao dijete na tvom sam tlu nasao ono sto svakog dana u svom srcu nosim – miris tvog cvijeca, izvor suza u oku i jednu staru stazu po kojoj jos uvijek hodim. Na svom putu promatrao sam cetiri godisnja doba koja svjedoce – Bozja su, zdrava su, lijepa su. Ljepota je zdravlje, a zdravlje je ljepota. Svjedoce ono sto i postenog covjeka lice u ogledalu svjedoci. Ogledalo koje ne moze lagati.

Pratio sam kazaljku na uri i slusao otkucaje svog srca. Promatrao sam staro kolo koje se okrece naokolo. Sve to covjeka uci i pita: Uci svoje dijete i uzmi samo ono sto ti je dano. U mladom 21. stoljecu covjek dize nogu a ne misli i ne zna kamo je polaze. Promatrao sam zivot mravi i pcela – zivot im je sretan. Sluze se samo Bozjim darom.

Ostao mi je zivot usaden u mom srcu bogatog siromaha, koji nije imao dovoljno kruha a ni dobrih gaca. Bio je vrijedan covjek, smijao se od srca, znao drugom covjeku u nevolji pomoci i za njega zaplakati. Samo je jedan izvor zivota, u jednoj boji ljepote i slasti. Priroda je Bozja i jako je lijepa i zdrava. Stvorena je, izgradena je od ljubavnih kocaka. Gdje ljubavi nema sve se raspada, srece nestaje. Zivot, kao cvijet, bez vode i sunca mora uvenuti. Domovino, u tebi sam nasao sve sto danas u svom srcu nosim.

Rano je jutro, zora se budi, a moje misli oko otoka Krka i Rijeke lete. Jos par minuta i brod “Rovinj” ce krenuti od Malinske za Rijeku.Glas crkvenih zvona daleko se cuje. Zvone – novina “Borba” umrla je. O plavi Jadrane moj, hrvatsko more, zaboravit te nece. Domovino, kao i ti, uvijek u Bozjoj nadi zivim, zelim ti ostaviti ono sto u svom srcu nosim, ono sto si mi dala. Po istoj stazi jos uvijek hodim, sa vijencem u srcu procvalog hrvatskog cvijeca. Samo uz Bozju pomoc na ovoj cu stazi u svakoj svojoj knjizi u sirokom svijetu, za tebe, Domovino, ostavit svoje hrvatsko ime.

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    The significance of Hiring a specialist Roofing Company for Rain, Hail, or Snow Damage Your homes roof the most important aspects of your house or business, because it protects both you and everything inside from the current weather. This is the reason it is vital to get it repaired promptly and effectively after damage from rain, hail, or snow. Trying to repair your homes roof all on your own might appear like a cost-effective solution, however it may be dangerous and ineffective. This is the reason it will always be best to check out an expert roofing company for several of your roofing needs. Hiring a specialist Roofing Company for Rain Damage Repair Rain damage could be devastating to your roof, leading to leaks, mold, as well as other issues. A specialist roofing company gets the experience, skills, and tools to evaluate the destruction, show up with a repair plan, and execute it in a timely and efficient manner. Not only can this make sure your roof is fixed correctly, however it may also provide you with peace of mind comprehending that your house or company is protected from future rain damage. DIY Roof Repair just isn’t Advisable After Rain, Hail, or Snow Though it might seem like a cost-effective solution, wanting to repair your homes roof all on your own after rain, hail, or snow damage may be dangerous and ineffective. Professional roofing companies have the expertise, experience, and equipment required to get it done safely and effectively. Moreover, they usually have the information to identify potential issues and also make suggestions for preventing future damage. In addition, they are able to also assist you to navigate the insurance coverage claims process, making certain you will get the compensation you deserve. With regards to repairing your homes roof after damage, it really is always better to work with an expert roofing company. Should you want to know more more info on this kind of content click on my favorite web site: prescott AZ contractor

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    Videography is the art or means of recording moving imagery on film or digitally. It is a very creative and also technical field that will require a mix of creative vision, techie skill, and great connection skills. The work of a videographer would be to create visually compelling images that tell a story, convey an email, or just entertain a gathering. In this article, we will check out the different components of the job of a videographer and exactly why it is an important and intense profession. probably one of the most critical components of videography is storytelling. A videographer is responsible for bringing a story to life with the use of moving images. They need to have the ability to comprehend the story these are typically wanting to tell, and then use their technical skills to recapture it in a visually compelling way. This requires a deep knowledge of the narrative structure, character development, and pacing of a story. In addition requires a great feeling of just how to visually convey emotions, moods, and themes. Creative imagination: Videographers must be able to think creatively to be able to visually tell an account or convey an email. They need to have the ability to see things in another way, and then use their commercial skills to carry those ideas to life. This requires a beneficial feeling of composition, color, and movement. Moreover it requires an understanding of how exactly to use visual effects and animation to boost the visual impact of a story. A videographer should have an eye fixed for detail, and be able to identify and rectify errors in their footage. They must be in a position to look at big picture plus the small details. This requires an excellent knowledge of the technical components of the craft, along with an ability to pay attention to the tiny details that will make a big difference within the final product. Should you want to discover more about this method matter come visit my favorite internet site: portrait photographer los angeles and around Sacramento CA

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    With regards to located in a beach state, owning a home because of the seas come with a unique set of unparalleled concerns. One of many strains home owners receive is maintaining their rooftops about good shape. Since the atlantic outside weather can be nasty on roof coverings, you should look for a local roofer contractor that appreciates the issues and protective standards required to guard dwellings from the effects of mother nature.

    Neighborhood roof covering companies in seaside places surely have technical comprehension that is chosen towards the area. They will comprehend the consequence that the actual salt air, marine spraying, or strong gusts of wind might have onto roof coverings, and additionally they understand how to prevent wear and tear brought on by such details. For example, they could highly recommend choosing to install a specific variety of covering stuff that is a lot more invulnerable to saltwater oxidation or with gun applied sealants which will help defend roofing systems from water damage.

    As well as needing specialist information, local roof top business in beach front communities likewise have encounter working with the unique challenges that property owners face within these communities. They understand how to deal with elements for instance algae progress on roofings, which can be frequent in destinations with a high wetness and that can be exasperate by the sea product. They even understand the importance of consistent rooftop maintaining to stop destruction due to the weather.

    Commissioning an area roofing expert can also provide house owners with convenience. Localized reputable companies are familiar with your local strengthening unique codes and regulation that must definitely be adopted, which will help ensure that your roof covering is fitted and retained precisely. They also have local recommendations and may produce opinions from other householders in the area, providing you with poise in their efforts.

    To conclude, if you possess a home in a resort community, seeking an area roofer team is important to protect your finances. Nearby firms possess the specialized encounter, working experience, furthermore knowledge of the area conditions necessary to maintain your protective cover in good shape. To learn more about our roof covering providers, remember to come to our new blog. roofing contractors in wilmington nc

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    The necessity of Hiring a specialist Roofing Company for Rain, Hail, or Snow Damage Your homes roof the most important components of your property or business, since it protects both you and everything inside from sun and rain. This is the reason it is crucial to get it repaired promptly and effectively after damage from rain, hail, or snow. Attempting to repair your homes roof on your own might appear like a cost-effective solution, but it could be dangerous and ineffective. This is the reason it will always be best to seek out a specialist roofing company for many of one’s roofing needs. Hiring a Professional Roofing Company for Rain Damage Repair Rain damage could be devastating to your homes roof, ultimately causing leaks, mold, as well as other issues. A professional roofing company has the experience, skills, and tools to evaluate the destruction, show up with a repair plan, and execute it in a timely and efficient manner. Not only can this make sure that your roof is fixed correctly, however it will even provide you with peace of mind understanding that your house or business is protected from future rain damage. DIY Roof Repair just isn’t Advisable After Rain, Hail, or Snow Even though it might seem like a cost-effective solution, trying to repair your roof all on your own after rain, hail, or snow damage could be dangerous and ineffective. Professional roofing companies have the expertise, experience, and equipment essential to get it done safely and effectively. Moreover, they will have the knowledge to identify potential issues and also make tips for preventing future damage. In addition, they are able to also assist you to navigate the insurance coverage claims process, making sure you get the compensation you deserve. With regards to repairing your homes roof after damage, it really is always best to work with a specialist roofing company. Should you want to gain knowledge of more about this unique focus go to my web page: best roofer companies in usa

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    Engaging the services of a attorney specializing in disabilities for claims related to disabilities in Albuquerque holds immense importance. People who look for the support of a disability lawyer in trials regarding disabilities can reap innumerable advantages and invaluable assistance during the process of claiming disabilities. These legal professionals retain the required skills, wisdom, and expertise to efficiently navigate the complications of the judicial system and advocate for their clients’ best welfare.

    One of the principal roles of a attorney specializing in disabilities in trials regarding disabilities requires skillfully leading and managing the legal processes. Disability attorneys shine at navigating the subtleties of court proceedings on disabilities, which can be daunting for those unacquainted with the legal system. By utilizing the aid of a lawyer for disabled individuals, individuals with disabilities substantially enhance their chances of success in disability claims court.

    Throughout court proceedings for disability claims, a disability attorney plays a crucial and proactive part in supplying essential

    assistance. They vigorously work together with clients in compiling and lodging disability claims applications, petitions, and pleas, streamlining the process and ensuring all necessary paperwork is correctly presented. Additionally, lawyers for disabled individuals offer crucial support during court proceedings related to disabilities, employing their specialist understanding of legislation on disabilities and rules to supply counsel, advice, and advocacy.

    The benefits of engaging a attorney specializing in disabilities for claims related to disabilities are varied. These legal professionals supply specialized guidance and advice, providing their clients with a upper hand in court proceedings related to disabilities. Through their thorough knowledge of the legal landscape, lawyers for disabled individuals can successfully navigate the complicated structure of guidelines and statutes overseeing claims related to disabilities, ensuring that their clients’ privileges are secured and their utmost interests are represented.

    Moreover, lawyers for disabled individuals simplify the procedure for disability claims, relieving the burden on individuals with disabilities. They serve as supporters, coordinating with official institutions, insurers

    , and other relevant entities on behalf of their clients. This complete support allows individuals with disabilities to focus on their well-being and personal matters, knowing that their claims related to disabilities are being handled with utmost care and attention to detail.

    In the setting of disability claims in the city of Albuquerque, it is crucial to recognize the unique expertise offered by social security lawyers. These legal professionals concentrate on social security laws and regulations, making them highly valuable resources for individuals looking for social security disability entitlements. Social security lawyers possess comprehensive knowledge of the intricate laws and processes governing social security disability claims, enabling them to offer customized recommendations and direction to their clients.

    By acquiring a attorney specializing in disabilities, individuals with disabilities gain access to a wealth of assets and assistance. These legal professionals serve as committed supporters, diligently advocating for their clients’ entitlements and privileges. Attorneys specializing in disabilities comprehend the obstacles faced by individuals with disabilities and strive to ensure they get the disability benefits they should rightfully have.

    In conclusion, the decision to secure a attorney specializing in disabilities is a vital one for individuals with disabilities seeking disability benefits in Albuquerque region. These legal professionals play a key part in making simpler the legal process, increasing the likelihood of success in court proceedings related to disabilities, and offering specialized guidance and advice tailored to their clients’ unique conditions.

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    Hi there my name is Matthew D’Agati.
    Solar power the most promising and efficient sourced elements of renewable energy, and it’s also rapidly gathering popularity as a principal energy source at work. In the future, the likelihood is that solar technology could be the dominant energy source on the job, as increasing numbers of companies and organizations adopt this neat and sustainable power source. In this specific article, we’re going to discuss why it’s important to change to renewable energy sources such as for example solar technology as quickly as possible, and exactly how this transition can benefit businesses and also the environment.

    The initial & most important good reason why it is vital to change to renewable energy sources could be the environmental impact. The employment of fossil fuels, such as for example coal, oil, and natural gas, may be the main cause of polluting of the environment, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change. These emissions have a profound effect on the surroundings, causing severe climate conditions, rising sea levels, as well as other environmental hazards. By adopting solar technology, companies and organizations will help reduce their carbon footprint and play a role in a cleaner, more sustainable future.

    Another essential reason to change to solar technology is the cost savings it provides. Solar energy panels can handle generating electricity for businesses, reducing or eliminating the necessity for traditional types of energy. This might bring about significant savings on energy bills, particularly in areas with a high energy costs. Furthermore, there are numerous government incentives and tax credits offered to companies that adopt solar power, which makes it a lot more cost-effective and affordable.

    The technology behind solar technology is simple and easy, yet highly effective. Solar energy panels are made up of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert sunlight into electricity. This electricity are able to be kept in batteries or fed directly into the electrical grid, with regards to the specific system design. To be able to maximize the many benefits of solar energy, you will need to design a custom system this is certainly tailored to your particular energy needs and requirements. This may make certain you have the proper components set up, like the appropriate wide range of solar energy panels in addition to right types of batteries, to increase your power efficiency and value savings.

    One of many important aspects in designing a custom solar technology system is knowing the different sorts of solar energy panels and their performance characteristics. There are two main main kinds of solar power panels – monocrystalline and polycrystalline – each featuring its own advantages and disadvantages. Monocrystalline solar energy panels are made of just one, high-quality crystal, helping to make them more efficient and sturdy. However, also, they are higher priced than polycrystalline panels, that are produced from multiple, lower-quality crystals.

    In addition to cost benefits and environmental benefits, switching to solar energy may also provide companies and organizations with an aggressive advantage. Companies that adopt solar technology are seen as environmentally conscious and energy-efficient, and this might help increase their reputation and competitiveness. Furthermore, companies that adopt solar technology will benefit from increased profitability, since they are in a position to reduce their energy costs and enhance their main point here.

    Additionally it is important to see that the technology behind solar technology is rapidly advancing, and new advancements are increasingly being made all the time. For instance, the efficiency of solar panel systems is consistently increasing, making it possible for more energy to be generated from a smaller sized quantity of panels. In addition, new innovations, such as for example floating solar power panels and solar energy panels which can be incorporated into building materials, are making it easier and much more cost-effective to consider solar technology.

    In closing, the ongoing future of energy on the job is poised to be dominated by solar energy and its several benefits. From cost benefits and environmental sustainability to technological advancements and increased competitiveness, the advantages of adopting solar power are obvious. By investing in this neat and renewable energy source, businesses may take a working role in reducing their carbon footprint, cutting energy costs, and securing their place in a sustainable future. The transition to solar technology isn’t just important for environmental surroundings but in addition for the commercial well-being of businesses. The earlier companies adopt this technology, the higher equipped they’ll certainly be to handle the difficulties of a rapidly changing energy landscape.

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    The truth is an individual accused of a crime is going to collect a primitive deal, without having the solutions of a qualified attorney. Therefore, in the event that you or a relative has been implicated of committing a offense, do not pause to make contact with certainly one of our Orange county criminal defense lawyer gurus. Our Staff We exclusively load our ranks utilizing the optimum law intellects in the neighborhood. All of us of authorized professionals have become experienced in what the law states while the bureaucratic procedure that complicates a amounts of felony scenarios. Our criminal defense legal professionals are true professional people. These law firms should never pass personal judgment on a customer faced with heinous criminal activity such as for instance murder, rape as well as child molestation. They need to and to the very best of their capability defend a customer whom they might personally consider to be guilty associated with the crime by which they truly are charged. Again, they have to put aside individual beliefs and also beliefs and guard a client that is faced with carrying out indefinable acts. Therefore, becoming a criminal defense lawyer not merely might take efforts but true character to defending every single person’s liberties provided beneath the law. Every single situation shows a unique certain sets of challenges despite which region of the court room your very own defendant is. To all sorts of law you will find pros and cons, however with criminal law more appear to simply begin to see the cons. Often there is the alternative of a unjust conviction, a mistrial inside a really important case, or the dangers of coping with brutal lawbreaker, in particular her bread and butter and various criminal types of large revenue. Many legal professionals do agree totally that there was more information on negatives, to unwanted comments that stick to the occupation, but most prospering law firms be seemingly able to see through the tough words and steps, and are usually in a position to look at good that is released of engaging in criminal law. The great verdicts in which moreover prove your clienteles purity towards the subdivision, all of the the cases and clients, additionally the capability to be cross analyzing witnesses into the court room nearly every time, are often thought. If you want to read more info on the matter have a look at my karate internet site: criminal defense lawyer drug offenses in fontana in the region of Chino Hills CA

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    dwi regulations on Ohio can be complex, and yet it’s vital to posses a good comprehension of them if a person find expenses. Operating under ones influence (DUI) looks a severe criminal offense your can posses substantial consequences on on your future. In Ohio, your lawful threshold for bloodstream ethanol concentration (BAC) is eight percentfor the majority motorists additionally 4 percent business truckers.

    If you might be pulled over by legal police and alleged of ovi, they may accomplish field soberness investigations or chemical exams, such while breathalyser or blood testing, to determine some degree of damage. Refusing all tests can lead to programmed sanctions, including license suspension.

    ovi criminal acts in Ohio include various penalties, depends upon on variables enjoy prior prosecutions, BAC degree, and/or whether or not available was actually an catastrophe or injuries associated. Consequences might come with penalties, license suspension system, required alcoholic beverage cures applications, probation, and smooth prison time. Residual crimes and annoyed factors can cause more harsh penalties.

    Receiving a experienced DUI defensive attorney is crucial to handle the difficulties of Ohio driving while intoxicated statutes. They can possibly review the proof of, dare the lawfulness of the block, question the correctness of investigations, and investigate likely defenses to help minimize the complaints. Plus, an attorney can tips you through the authorized process, assuring your very own protection under the law are secure and proposing for the right potential direct result.

    Keep in mind, being well informed with regards to Ohio’s DUI laws and pursuing the support of an suffered solicitor are key steps in efficiently taking care of a DUI price furthermore preserving some later. https://www.cincinnaticriminal-lawyer.com/ – Cincinnati underage drinking defense attorney

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